

Intimations of Crimson Munificence

But in just a few years, your hair, too, will turn white.

To Skip Gates' department, you'll soon be the best

When you're hit with a gust of fresh air from the West.

To embattled Linguistics, how this shall we say...

Das vedanya? Kaput? Sayonara? Good-day?


For Lawrence E. Stager we've picked up a sack

Of goodies that came off the Spies-R-Us rack:

Some telephone taps, a tape player or two,

And a new fax machine you can quickly undo.

For our vocal friend Mansfield, who's good for some laughs,

We'll print just one more of his newsworthy gaffes,

Without his offensive an hidebound remarks,

Life here would be dull, with no food for us sharks.

In Dunster, we gladly spread holiday glee

To His Majesty Liem and the two brothers Li.

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