

Rachael A. Dziaba

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HLS Circular Desk

A Desk and ‘Dalliance with the Nazis’

While Roscoe Pound is often remembered for pioneering sociological jurisprudence, his time as dean contains a much more concerning legacy.

Arthur Brooks and the Dalai Lama

‘Ambassador of Love’: Arthur Brooks Leads Harvard Delegation to Meet the Dalai Lama

Harvard professor Arthur C. Brooks and the Harvard Kennedy School Leadership & Happiness Laboratory led a delegation to meet the Dalai Lama for a conference last Monday and Tuesday.

Harvard Law School - HLS

Harvard Researchers Say Jail Educational Programs Reduce Recidivism, Violence

An education program at a county jail in Flint, Michigan significantly reduced recidivism, misconduct, and the harms of incarceration, according to a new study co-authored by two Harvard professors.


Researchers at Harvard SEAS Engineer ‘New Class of Fluids’

A group of researchers at Harvard’s School of Engineering and Applied Sciences engineered metafluids – the first of a “new class of fluids” — which bring a number of intriguing properties, such as tunable compressibility, changeable optical properties, and the ability to be programmed to handle a variety of loads.

Pakistan Trek

Harvard Affiliates Embark on ‘Pakistan Trek’ Over Spring Break

A group of 27 Harvard affiliates traveled to Pakistan during spring break for “Pakistan Trek,” a weeklong trip touring the country, attending sporting events and performances, and meeting prominent current and former government officials.

Grays Hall
Student Groups

Habiba Braimah Appointed as Senior Director of Harvard Foundation

Habiba T. Braimah began her tenure as the new senior director of the Harvard Foundation for Intercultural and Race Relations late last month and will oversee the 38th annual Cultural Rhythms festival that kicks off Monday.

Title IX Lawyers Graphic

The Title IX Process is Like a Trial. Many Survivors Navigate it Alone.

The Title IX process is often one of the most difficult ordeals a survivor will ever endure. Harvard can show it is serious about protecting students by providing survivors with essential legal support.

Rachael A. Dziaba Portrait

How Harvard Killed Its Best Title IX Resource

The change from OSAPR to OGE may seem inconsequential, but the gutting of OSAPR was not just another administrative consolidation — it meant the loss of perhaps the best-known, most-trusted resource for survivors on Harvard’s campus.

Op Eds

The Possible Perpetrator in Your Crimson Cart

The Harvard administration’s pattern of punishing professors who have violated sexual harassment policies by putting them on temporary leave, and then quietly allowing them to come back relatively unscathed, further endangers younger students who may be unaware of their professors’ checkered histories.

Op Eds

Confronting Sexual Violence with Optimism & Urgency

Optimism means an insistence that eradicating sexual violence is possible. Urgency at Harvard looks like bold, top-down leadership. Certainly, we must be thoughtful in the initiatives we undertake to end sexual violence. But the glacial pace of change at Harvard is inexcusable.
