Contributing writer
Evangeline J. Gilmer
Contributing writer Evangeline J. Gilmer can be reached at evangeline.gilmer@thecrimson.com.
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What to Buy Your Pre-Med Friend for the Holidays
If you have a pre-med friend or relative and are wondering what to get them for the holidays, we have some ideas for you!
Dude That’s Rude: Vanserg
Wondering why you have so many classes in Vanserg this semester? Me too. You won’t find any answers here, but perhaps we can commiserate.
Flyby’s (Imaginary) Internship Roundup
We sat down and imagined some perfect summer internships that don’t exist — yet. There’s something for every career! So come and imagine internships with us. Who knows, maybe you’ll actually want to turn one of these into reality…
Study Methods For The Unhinged
Flyby Blog is back with another piece to help you all become better students this final period. Read this piece on the most effective study methods known to Harvard students, but only for those unhinged enough to try.
Types of Harvard Students by Screen Time Breakdown
None of you ever click on that weekly “screen time usage” notification from your Settings app. We know it’s because you’re afraid of seeing who you really are under that beautiful Pinterest lockscreen and all the school-related apps on the front of your home screen. Flyby is going to peel back those layers and expose the truth about you right here, right now.
How to: Ward Off Midterm Malaise
Midterms always try to hit us when we’re weak (i.e: sick and tired with no motivation to go to class or study). Flyby has some tips for you on how to take your classes and not let your classes take you.
Flyby Gaslights: The Cold is All in Your Head
That one guy who keeps pulling up to your section with shorts in 40-degree weather knows something you don’t about the weather. But luckily, Flyby has discovered his secret and we’re here to bestow it upon you. Put away your sweatpants, bust out your shorts, and read this article to learn how to ignore the cold.
Cabot House
Welcome to Cabot House! Here in the house that rules the quad, you’ll find a close-knit community that’s more like a family, where fun and laughter is a top priority. Also, the fish theme doesn’t mean you’ll have to eat any extra Red’s Best Catch, so don’t panic. In fact, there’s always Cabot Cafe when you’re looking for a HUDS alternative!
Love It or Hate It: Grab N Go Dining
Losing your argument about Grab N Go dining to your roommate who’s on the debate team? Still trying to choose a side? Then check out these two perspectives on the dining situation and use our stellar reasoning skills to absolutely demolish your roommate’s argument.
Flyby Starter Pack: Things to Scream at Pedestrians
It’s Saturday night, and you’re a STEM major. You know what that means: it’s pset party time! You’re going to be alone in your room with one stuffed animal and your sad, dented can of Red Bull! For some odd reason, some students might not find this to be thrilling enough. If you count yourself among them, you can invite more people to your little pset party. Simply open your window and scream to the pedestrians below.
Squirrel On The Bricks
The roundhouse-kicked squirrel and its slightly apologetic attacker.
Flyby Ranks: Harvard's Urban Wildlife
The wildlife around Harvard is *almost* as interesting as its students! Take a stroll with us as we rank some of the best and worst urban wildlife this campus has to offer.