Contributing writer
Ilana A. Cohen
Latest Content
Sounding the Alarm: Turning Science into Symphony
As the climate crisis accelerates, this science-to-sound movement may play an increasingly valuable role: Music can offer scientists, vital authorities on climate change, a new pathway for public expression.
The Artistic Battle for the Amazon
Across digital and physical mediums, artists are working fiercely to put one fire out — one that causes the destruction of the Amazon and the vast life it contains— and set a new one aflame — the public will for climate action.
Reimagining Our Relationship to Nature
As artists innovate new ways to express and disseminate the urgent need for climate action, they make a call for far more than spectatorship. Rockman and Pelto’s works are not meant to hang on museum walls or contribute to living room aesthetics; they are meant to infuse new color into what can seem like a dying world, given the stark reality of global climate change.
Single Review: With 'Harleys in Hawaii,' Katy Perry Should Go Back to California, Gurl
If “Harleys in Hawaii” is any indication of the Katy Perry to come, it might be time to tune her out.
The Red Brigade: Bodies as a Form of Artistic Resistance
Through the spectacle of its fashion and coordinated collective movement, the Red Brigade uses bodies to sound the alarm about the climate crisis.
What the Hell Happened: Spill the (CBD-Infused) Tea!
While there are plenty of documented health benefits, today’s marketing makes CBD products seem more aesthetically pleasing than medicinally useful.
Music of the Movement
As the climate movement looks to the past in fighting for a more just and stable future, music provides a fundamentally human call to action.
The Kind of Community We Want to Be
We cannot have real civil discourse if the administration refuses to recognize the reality of the violations against people and communities it is perpetuating and the legitimate challenges to its disparate financial and ethical principles.
The Time to Divest Harvard is Now
The real resonance of Harvard making the responsible choice to divest from fossil fuels would be in its modeling leadership in climate action for its peer institutions.