Crimson staff writer
Lara C. Tang
Latest Content
Dining Halls Serve Up Local Marinara Sauce
When asked about the new marinara sauce served in dining halls, several students reported no significant change in taste.
Dining Service Rolls Out Menu Changes for New School Year
The menu changes include a daily rotating sandwich bar in place of the former fixed deli and a chili bar replacing the pasta bar during lunch.
Center of Attention
For students who choose to pursue courses in which they are they only student enrolled—dubbed "n=1" classes—the personalized attention enhances their learning, but the lack of fellow students can hinder their experience.
Campus Services Seeks Optimal Food Trucks
With the goal of finding the perfect combination for Harvard diners, Harvard Campus Services continues to experiment with the selection of food trucks in the Science Center Plaza.
Science Festival Features Collaborations with Area Schools
The annual Cambridge Science Festival, which features events such as the Science Carnival, Robot Zoo, and an exhibit on Black Holes, began last Friday and will run through this Sunday.
Microbial Sciences Initiative Aims To Attract Undergraduates
Microbial Sciences Initiative, an interdepartmental and interschool initiative founded in 2003, hopes to engage more students from Harvard College as well as microbial scientists from the Boston area.
CIA Hosts Recruitment Event on Campus
Central Intelligence Agency analysts conducted a case simulation for 30 students at the Center for Government and International Studies as part of the agency’s recruitment event Wednesday.
UHS Study Found No Impact of Exercise Encouragement on Mental Health
A University Health Services study on the impact of exercise encouragement on mental health found no difference between control and treatment groups, according to director Paul J. Barreira.
Harvard Thinks Healthy Features Diverse Health Topics
Wednesday’s second annual Harvard Thinks Healthy event featured a wide range of topics, including the outbreak of Ebola in West Africa and undergraduate mental health at Harvard.
Chemistry and Chemical Biology Professor named Sloan Fellow
Professor Ni researches ultracold atoms, which she said will help scientists better understand other physical systems.
Boston-Area Schools Differ in Snow Day Decisions
Despite shutting down operations three times this semester in what has been Boston’s second snowiest season on record, Harvard has remained open more often than some other area schools.