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Dunster mural painting
Dunster residents add some color to Dunster by painting the basement corridors Sunday afternoon. This event was sponsored by Dunster HoCo.
Leverett residents enjoy Fall Fest, an afternoon of food and games, last Saturday in Leverett courtyard along with Tinkerbell, a House dog.
Elena Rosen, co-founder of Just Think and the National Association for Media Literacy Education, leads a focus group on Knowledge, Media, and Social Innovation at the Igniting Innovation Summit on Social Entrepreneurship in Bolyston Hall last Saturday.
Feminist Case Against Abortion
Serrin Foster, president of Feminists for Life, gave her famous speech "The Feminist Case Against Abortion" arguing for why every woman should oppose legalized abortion yesterday in Emerson Hall.
An Evening with Champions
Emily Hughes '11 dances as part of the Evening With Champions ice skating performance.
World-class skaters Gretchen Donlan and Andrew Speroff perform at the 40th Anniversary of “An Evening with Champions”, Harvard’s annual philanthropic skating exhibition for the Jimmy Fund and pediatric cancer research.
The Cheese Nun
Food at 24 frames per second holds a film screening of "The Cheese Nun" followed by a cheese tasting led by Ihsan Gurdal, owner of Formaggio Kitchen yesterday in William James Hall.