
Crimson staff writer

Bethina Liu

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Petraeus at the IOP

Today in Photos (04/09/2014)

Cherry Murray

Cherry Murray

Dean of Harvard School of Engineering and Applied Sciences Cherry A. Murray, pictured above in 2011, has joined the Newport Corporation Board of Directors.

Bronzes and Broadcasts
Career Center

Today in Photos (3/4/11)

Student Life

CS50 Enrollment Increases by Nearly 200 Students

Enrollment in the introductory class Computer Science 50 jumped 56 percent from last year—from 337 students last fall to 525 this year. These enrollment numbers place CS50 as the fourth largest undergraduate class offered at the College.

On Campus

Lab Crosses Boundaries

The Northwest Science Building came to life with curious crowds on April 30. “Play it. Light it. Dance it,” was the theme of the night at this unconventional lab, where a silent rave had students breaking barriers in science. It was The Laboratory’s latest event, which brought iPods and LEDs together to explore the intersections between science, music, and the visual arts.

On Campus

Visualize Music at Silent Rave Friday

Dancing in the dark is no novelty, but have you danced in silence? This Friday night, The Laboratory at Harvard will transform the Northwest Science Building into one big dance floor for its first ever Silent LED Rave.

Harvard Kennedy School

Panelists Discuss Gay Marriage

Five representatives from religious and advocacy groups gathered to discuss the legal ramifications of same-sex marriage at an event held yesterday at the Harvard Kennedy School.


Lewis Granted Tenure In History

History Professor Mary D. Lewis, who has taught at Harvard for eight years, was granted tenure early last week.


McAfee Virus Bipasses Harvard

Anti-virus program McAfee caused computers world-wide to malfunction on Wednesday due to a bug within the software, but the virus outbreak had minimal effects on Harvard computers.


EPA Grants Go to Harvard, MIT

Harvard and MIT researchers received $2.1 million in grants from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency last Thursday to study the effects of climate change on public health and local ecosystems.

Financial Aid

Financial Aid Officers Praise Health Care and Education Bill

Financial aid officials from nearby universities hailed President Barack Obama’s signing of the Health Care and Education Reconciliation Act of 2010 yesterday as landmark legislation that could bring changes to financial aid programs at institutions of higher education across the country.

Harvard Kennedy School

Kennedy School Center Awards Reporters

In recognition of the social impact of their investigative reporting, select journalists were presented with the annual Goldsmith Awards in a ceremony last night.

Harvard Law School

HLS Professor Talks Copyright

Harvard Law School Professor Lawrence Lessig delivered an interactive lecture on the legal implications of free culture in the digital era yesterday, accompanied by a soundtrack of Soulja Boy, Beatles, and Girl Talk.

Renée Fleming

Fleming Coaches Aspiring Singers

World-renowned soprano Renée Fleming challenged student singers to push their limits in a master class yesterday.
