Crimson staff writer
Kerry K. Clark
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Square Businesses Support Haiti
On Sunday night, nearly 150 patrons crowded into the ground floor of OM Restaurant and Lounge—but unlike any other night, jazz emanated from the lounge, as costumers gathered to support earthquake victims in Haiti.
GSAS Offers Mini-Courses During January
Forget vacation. Several students in the Graduate School of Arts and Sciences have kept themselves busy during January by designing and leading their own miniature courses for graduate students in other fields.
Republican Brown Wins Mass. Senate Seat
In a surprising upset, Republican State Senator Scott P. Brown was elected yesterday to fill the United States Senate seat formerly held by liberal Senator Edward M. Kennedy ’54-’56, making Brown the first Republican Senator from Massachusetts in over 30 years.
Eccentric People Create Eclectic Pit
A man holds a sign outside the Harvard Square T-stop offering a “Free Bible Quiz.” Bruce M. Benson says his objective is not to convert people, but to start conversations with the people he encounters in the Square. And the Pit, the sunken amphitheater that surrounds the T-stop entrance, seemed the perfect place for interesting encounters.
Harvard Promotes Shopping in Square
Despite the busier weeks leading up to winter break this year due to the new academic calendar, administrators are encouraging students and faculty to shop in Harvard Square for their holiday needs as part of an effort to support local businesses through a tough economy and to meet the University’s sustainability goals.
Bands, Shows Attract Crowds
Walking through Harvard Yard this fall, it is hard to miss the brightly-colored chairs ordered by University President Drew G. ...
Journalists Explore Oppression of Women
During World War I, more American women died during childbirth than American men fell in combat. And while western countries ...
Ig Nobels Mock Risk and Banking
Wearing nothing but a silver speedo, sneakers, and paint, a man darted around the atrium of Sanders Theatre last night—sticking ...
HMS Prof Dies, Leaves Activist Legacy
Professor Emeritus of Social Medicine Leon Eisenberg, a leader of Harvard Medical School’s affirmative action program, died last week at
Federal Jobs Generate Interest
On the heels of an economic recession and the installation of a new presidential administration, Harvard students are increasingly looking