Ashin D. Shah
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Paradise Lost… and Found?
For every Islamophobic statement made, one more family is forced to drink unsafe water. For every argument made back and forth about the mosque at Ground Zero, one more disease is reported among the refugees who are waiting for the world to decide what should be done.
Cut the Comp
Harvard extracurriculars should be about meeting more, different people and if institutional barriers hinder this, they should be removed for the greater good.
Trekking the Tenure Track
While those granted tenure or partner status are expected to be the ones with the institution’s long-term goals most in mind, the process in place today requires greater detail to short-term gains or wayward attention to the politics of the tenure system in order to receive tenure.
The Coolest Course Titles
For the transcript-conscious, try distracting recruiters and grad-school admission boards from those sub-par grades with these flashy titles. We recount this semester’s “coolest-sounding course titles” for those looking for the right mix of pretention and PR on the part of professors.
The Hardest Courses at Harvard
For the novice freshman or the unsure upperclassman looking for an ego, Flyby has put together the ultimate shopping list, arguably the toughest schedule possible this semester at Harvard.
POSTCARD: Overcoming the Intern Rat Race
While some regard summer internships as an extended interview, to treat them purely as an opportunity for networking forgoes the otherwise valuable opportunity they provide to gain insight into a company’s inner workings and culture.
A Second Shot at Summer
Restructuring OCR as a matching service, rather than merely a listing of “unverified” internships and interview space, greatly spreads the risk employers currently bear.
The Party-Line Confederacy
But increasingly it seems that the needs of constituents have fallen on deaf ears to Washington leaders as party-line commitment now trumps the duty to hometown voters.
Former Vice President Al Gore Jr. '69 returned to Harvard Square just a year after the "Green is the New Crimson" campaign to addresses the solutions proposed to the global climate change crisis in his new book "Our Choice: A Plan to Solve the Global Climate Crisis."
Project Implicitly Racist
In what could almost be contrived as a follow-up to this summer's run-in with the Cambridge police, Harvard has now
Farewell to Herrell's!
Serving Harvard Square for 27 years, tonight, Herrell's Ice Cream closes its doors at last. In September , FlyBy, like
Campus Doubles
Months after a summer blockbuster used the campus of Penn as a stand-in for what appears to be Princeton, the