
Things to Know

Students Walk In Harvard Yard

Students Walk In Harvard Yard

Students walk through Harvard Yard on a winter day.

Blake Brasher: Angel Statue

Let me Entertain You

Harvard Square has an uncanny ability to attract entertainers of different backgrounds. Unlike Boston’s Faneuil Hall, which admits performers on an audition-only basis and makes them schedule their performance times far in advance, Harvard Square does not discriminate: Performers who have never been in front of an audience before and those who have spent their entire careers in entertainment have equal access to its streets.


In & Around Language: Girl vs. Woman

According to the Oxford English Dictionary, “woman” is defined as “an adult female human being. The counterpart of man.” (“Man,” on the other hand, is not defined as “the counterpart of woman.” Figures.) “Girl,” however, is usually meant to signify “young woman.” Technically, those are correct. But to some, their usage in the wrong context can range from being inappropriate to just plain offensive.

Things to Know

Top 5 Best Fictional Places for Pacing

You’re a college student writing a paper, you’re besieged by arguments about social theory, you have to walk back and forth messing up your hair. Where do you wish you were?

Harvard in the City


Michael David Cohen, former Harvard Graduate School student, discusses the effects of the Civil War on colleges and also regional differences between Northern and Southern institution. Cohen recently published his first book: Reconstructing the Campus: Higher Education and the American Civil War, and spoke at the Harvard Book Store.

Men's Basketball

Exploring Albuquerque: Five Fun Activities

Though the Harvard Crimson may be the main attraction in Albuquerque this week, the town has plenty of sights to keep you busy when you're not at a basketball game. Albuquerque is a place heavily influenced by Hispanic and Native American cultures, with a fusion of food, art, architecture, and music that can be hard to find in the Northeast. Below are Flyby's top five tourist stops.


Daylight Saving Time

Remember to set your clocks forward one hour before you go to bed tonight, as daylight saving time begins on March 11 at 2 a.m. This applies to almost everyone, although it's worth mention that those visiting Hawaii, Arizona, and the Midway Islands this spring break needn't bother. Enjoy the break, everyone!

On Campus

Weight Loss Drugs, Google, and More of Obama Singing

1. Cultural Rhythms is finally upon us. Brace yourself for a cultural sojourn in Sanders, all in less than two hours. Oh, and some guy named John Legend will be there. You may have heard of him.

Things to Know

Trending: Spring Fashion

For the budding fashionistas in all of you, suppressed as they may be by midterms and your obligatory Harvard sweats, Flyby's got you covered with the very latest from New York Fashion Week. From furs to dazzling minis, here are the latest trends to hit the runway for both the Spring and Winter seasons.

Things to Know

Top Five Artistic Things That Make Me Fear for the Sanctity of Childhood

C'mon dad, we haven't thrown around the old pigskin in years!

On Campus


A day in the life of John Harvard is filled with excited tourists blissfully oblivious to the true John Harvard student tradition.

Student Life

Protect Your Facebook Account

Is your Facebook profile under persistent siege? Have you spent hours erasing traces of status updates and wall posts that you definitely didn't post? Then you, like many other Harvard students, have probably had your account hacked using the popular Firesheep tool. This week Facebook began rolling out a new security setting, which, if activated, can protect your account from this type of attack. As this security setting will be released over several weeks, you may be unable to change it now. Check your "Account Security" page intermittently to see if Facebook has made this security setting available to you.

Things to Know


Things to Know

Secret Santa Gifts That Make Your Bells Jingle

It’s the holiday season, and if you’re like most Harvard students, you’ve already signed up for at least three Secret Santa gift exchanges, and you’re being pressured to participate in another two.

Things to Know

