

AfroLatinx Poetry

AfroLatinx Poetry

Noel Quiñones performs at a poetry reading in celebration of AfroLatinx history.

 Vijay Iyer and Teju Cole’s “Blind Spot” at the ICA
Visual Arts

Vijay Iyer and Teju Cole’s “Blind Spot” at the ICA

Teju Cole and University professor and pianist Vijay Iyer performed their creation “Blind Spot” at the Institute of Contemporary Art Friday evening. The show featured Cole’s photography and spoken word over Vijay Iyer’s improvisational music.

Amanda Gorman (front)

Amanda Gorman (front)

Amanda Gorman was awarded for her poetry as the nation's first-ever Youth Poet Laureate.

Amanda Gorman 02

Amanda Gorman 02

Amanda Gorman 02
Student Life

American Lyricist

Amanda S. C. Gorman '20 is the first Youth Poet Laureate of the United States and a self-described future candidate for the U.S. presidency.

American Lyricist

American Lyricist

Amanda S. C. Gorman '20 poses Sunday afternoon in downtown Los Angeles. Gorman is the nation's first Youth Poet Laureate.

Amanda Gorman 01

Amanda Gorman 01

Grolier Poetry Book Shop
The Square

Grolier Poetry Book Shop

Grolier Poetry Book Shop is located on Plympton Street, right off of Harvard Square. It has been around for 90 years and is associated with famed Harvard poets, including T.S. Eliot.

Grolier Poetry Book Shop

90 Years Of Grolier

​Behind a creaky door lies nearly a century of poetic history: The Grolier Poetry Book Shop has been an integral part of the Harvard Square community since 1927, making it the oldest continuously-run poetry shop in the US.



Rupi Kaur discusses the controversy surrounding her writing.


Fifteen Minutes with Rupi Kaur

Indeed, Kaur has established herself as a very political figure. She often writes about the immigrant experience and current events, but has also stirred controversy writing about experiences that are not entirely her own.

Amanda S. C. Gorman '20, a PAF

Harvard Sophomore Chosen as First Youth Poet Laureate

A sophomore in Leverett House and Los Angeles, Calif. native, Amanda Gorman ’20 was named the nation’s premier young poet in April.

What Moves You?

What Moves You?

"I want to hold [time] in my arms and tell it thank you/I’m done progressing through life/I want my soul to move through moments and decide their worth for myself," recited Anna K. Antongiorgi '19 during ‘What Moves You?’ a Harvard Dance Project performance combining dance, music, and poetry on Friday evening. The cast worked with choreographers to translate answers to the question ‘What moves you?’ into movement.

According to Kwan
On Campus

According to Kwan

Chinese-Singaporean multimedia artist Bex H. Kwan ‘14 performs Spoken Word at Holden Chapel Thursday evening. As a student, Kwan received the Outstanding Student Leader Award by the Office of BGLTQ Student Life.

Harmony Holiday in Houghton

Harmony Holiday in Houghton

Poet Harmony Holiday reads a selection from her 2014 work Go Find Your Father/A Famous Blues in the Edison Newman room of Houghton Library Wednesday night. The reading and book signing event was the second of a free and public series called The Poet’s Voice.
