
Winning Friends: Bud Riley Woos Student Protesters, Administrators

He urges workers to simply call HUPD and let the officers handle the situation.

"We trying to keep it in perspective, so when students arrive, [staff members] don't fear for their lives and just call us," he says. "It's our job to take care of the rally, not theirs."

But PSLM members dismissed the charges.


"It's a bunch of nonsense for administrators to take notice of the welfare of the workers when PSLM comes into talk to them but ignore the welfare of the workers the rest of the time, paying them poverty wages for 80 hours a week," McKean says. "All the secretarial staff that I talked to were supportive of our demands."

Riley says an increase in activism across the country--sit-ins are currently ongoing at both Johns Hopkins University and Macalester College--is partly responsible for PSLM's more direct actions.

"These kids are responding to the national debate," he says.

PSLM members deny significant outside influences.

"If we were competing with other schools we would have had a sit-in a year ago," Offner says. "We had enough people, we just did not think it was appropriate."

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