
Winning Friends: Bud Riley Woos Student Protesters, Administrators

"We're there to make sure that [students] are able to state their voice safely," he says. "We're there to protect their rights as much as we're there to protect the rights of the administration."

HUPD dispatches officers to every demonstration held on campus. Riley makes it a point to attend most actions personally, surveying the crowd from the outskirts in an overcoat.


Police officers will often work with rally organizers to ensure that the demonstration is both safe and effective and falls within the bounds of Harvard rules.

"When there are large rallies, I talk to the organizers, have a frank discussion why I'm there and offer suggestions as to how they can hold their rally that would have a safe environment for everyone," he says.

PSLM members say they recognize the conflicting interests HUPD must work to balance.

"They're concerned for our welfare but they have to make sure we're abiding by the rules," says PSLM member Benjamin L. McKean '02, who is also a Crimson editor.

While rallies under his tenure have yet to erupt in violence, Riley says his past experience as a state police officer has taught him to take no demonstration for granted.

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