
Winning Friends: Bud Riley Woos Student Protesters, Administrators

"HUPD understands the dynamics of protests. They have to walk a fine line between firmness and flexibility and by and large they do that very well," Ryan says.

"Bud Riley is extremely respectful of students, he has a good relationship with them and is doing an excellent job," says Anne Taylor, vice president and general counsel.

PSLM members also say they appreciate Riley's role.


"A good part of our [good] relationship with HUPD is attributable to the role the chief has taken," McKean says.

For his part, Riley says he has a personal affection for the students with whom he interacts.

"I don't want police here treating you differently from my kids, and once the police get to know you they wouldn't want anyone to treat you any different from their kids," he says.

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