
Winning Friends: Bud Riley Woos Student Protesters, Administrators

"I give a lot of credit to the kids," he says. "They've been very responsible."

But the specter of 1969 continues to haunt Riley.


He says the department will go to any lengths to prevent a similar outbreak of violence.

"It takes years to get over a major confrontation with police," he says.

Escalating Tension

While they have not yet inaugurated a program of civil disobedience, including sit-ins and arrests, PSLM members have increased the aggressiveness of their tactics in the past month.

Both the anti-sweatshop campaign and the living wage campaign have demonstrated in Mass Hall unannounced, refusing to leave until explicitly asked to do by HUPD officers.

"Things are becoming increasingly tense, and I'm starting to become concerned," Riley says. "It's gotten to the point where they have to use subterfuge."

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