
Winning Friends: Bud Riley Woos Student Protesters, Administrators

"I view every demonstration as [having] the potential to escalate, because of the nature of crowds, even if student [organizers] don't want it to," he says.

He says "one stupid misunderstanding" could ignite a major clash.

When community members or students from other schools in the area attend Harvard rallies, the potential for violence increases, Riley says.


According to Riley, at a rally a few years ago, a student from another Boston school participating in a rally at Harvard attempted to goad the crowd into throwing rocks through the windows of Mass Hall.

"If someone comes from the outside, they may not care, and that's much more difficult to control," he says.

PSLM members say their goal is to prevent violence, as well, and to that end they are willing to work with HUPD.

"There's an attempt on both sides to be safe and cooperate with one another," Offner says.

Riley praises members of PSLM for organizing well-run, violence-free demonstrations.

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