
Steamed: Staff Bears Brunt of HDS Changes

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What would make their jobs easier?

Eliot and Kirkland staff members overwhelmingly agree that the addition of a fifth chef to work between the two serveries would ease the load on everyone.


"We end up having two cooks for each hall, and we're pinned," a Kirkland chef says.

For example, an Eliot chef who usually works the afternoon-evening shift came to work at 7:30 a.m. one recent morning to start prepping for lunch and dinner.

"An additional chef would turn [Kirkland] from a hall that is barely running to one that's running smoothly," he says.

The general service staff--responsible for keeping food on the line, salad bars stocked and drinks flowing--have the same complaint.

"Two ladies is not enough for this work," adds an Eliot general service worker. "In my opinion, we are working so hard that we lose our health."

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