
Steamed: Staff Bears Brunt of HDS Changes

In the course of three weeks, over 25 dining hall staff members, who requested anonymity to avoid creating even more tension, told The Crimson how their jobs have changed since last spring.

"If we think too much about it, we get too much stress," one Eliot staff member says. "This is going to be permanent."


Harvard officials admit they are aware of some problems, but argue that change is always difficult.

Staff say they're fed up but--after as many as 20 years on the same job--see little choice but to endure the new physical and mental strains.

The Pressure Cooker

Upstairs one recent Friday morning, chocolate chip pancakes flew in the Eliot House serving area.

Tray after tray, breakfast staff and cooks scrambled to keep up with the demands of a dozen members of the Harvard swim team. Twenty pancakes on a long, thin platter disappeared literally within seconds.

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