
Steamed: Staff Bears Brunt of HDS Changes

"When we got a look at the plan last year, we said 'this isn't going to work,'" he says. "We had another cook who had one look at the renovations and said, 'no way, I'm out of here.'"

But Eliot and Kirkland staff don't blame their managers, who they say are stressed out as well.


"We love the managers very much. They do the best they can to give us help and keep us happy," says an Eliot staffer.

Conti characterizes the Eliot management team's interactions with the staff as supportive.

"We're not pushing them from behind with a whip," he says. "That's not our style of management."

The staff recognizes the managers' commitment to improving the situation, but see them as powerless when up against the big wigs.

"The managers know about [the need for an additional chef] too, but there's a lot of red tape they have to deal with," says an Eliot chef.

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