
Steamed: Staff Bears Brunt of HDS Changes

"They are preparing a lot more stuff for us downstairs," one chef says. "We're not cooks, we're re-heaters."


Worked to the Bone

Other general staff members--even those who say they're happy with their jobs--also feel the pressure of the changes.

A staffer in Kirkland says he'd rate the new system a 95 out of 100, but also notes, "my job is almost doubled now."

The glitzy renovations have increased traffic in the dining halls, forcing staff to serve above-normal loads while still settling into dramatically new routines.

"Before, we had break time," says one Eliot general staff member. "Now we have no break time--no free time, but we keep ourselves busy with exercise."

Many of the general service staff in the halls are veteran employees, with strong allegiances to Harvard and "their babies"--the students.

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