
A Christmas Blessing

To Rock man Steve Gould, a sample of granite

And for Astro 8's Chaisson his very own planet.

Give regards from Odysseus to Albert B. Lord

And hope Ec 10 students don't get too bored

While doing their problem sets over vacation


And charting the curves of rampant inflation.

Good health and more Pulitzers to Walter J. Bate

To David Mitten, a Greek vase in a crate

To the Harvard Lampoon, an issue that's funny

To the Athletic Department, a bargeload of money

A box of Havanas for Dapper Dan Steiner;

For guilt-ridden Coles, the life of a miner.

Better luck next time for "Pope" Peter Gomes.

Good luck to Chase Peterson in his brand new home

For Maybury Lewis, a culture that's tribal
