
A Christmas Blessing

On Wacker, on Kiely, on Hastings and Bott;

Now dash away, Rosenkrantz, Dunn and Whitlock.

Light the Yule log and praise Krister Stendahl,

Al Sacks, Dan Tosteson; but don't offend all

The other big honchos, like Paul Ylvisaker,


Kilbridge, Keenan, Goldhaber, Fouraker;

But the best has been saved for our friend Howard Hiatt--

A brand-new image, and colleagues who'll buy it.

SO STRIKE UP a tune, forget all the hassle,

Drink deep with your friends, please take some more wassail;

It's time to make merry, no place for the mourner,

Rise up and rejoice, like President Horner--

Who, although Seventh Sister keeps singing a dirge,

Is said to be happy, now that all's merged.

'Tis the season of giving, so bring a memento
