The Actual Teaching of Jesus Himself, Dean Willard L. Sperry.
Life After Death, Dean W. W. Fenn.
Sin. Conversion. Forgiveness. Atonement, Professor Angus Dun.
The Social Training of Jesus Christ, Professor Francia G. Peabody.
Religion in Law, Politics and International Relations, Professor W. B. Munro.
Religion in Business, Mr. Roger W. Babson.
Religion in Business, Mr. A. Lincoln Filene.
Mohammedanism, Professor George Foot Moore.
Roman Catholicism, the Right Reverend John B. Peterson.
Brahmanism, Professor C. R. Lanman.
Buddhism, Professor James H. Woods.
Mysticism and Prayer the Right Reverend Charles Lewis Slattery.
Judaism, Rappi Stephen S. Wise.
The Sects of Christianity, Church Unity, Professor Kirsopp Lake.
Science and Religion, Professor A. N. Whitehead.