
Progress of Phillips Brooks House, Showing Great

2. New Student Committee be abolished.

St. Paul's Society Stresses Need of Personal Contact

The work of the St. Paul's Society for the academic year 1924-25 began with the annual reception for incoming students given in conjunction with the Christ Church Parish in the Parish House on the first evening of the academic year. The policy and purpose of the society was outlined by the President Rev. Prescott Evarts, Rector of Christ Church. Introduced the speakers: Bishop Slattery, Dr. W. G. Thayer, headmaster of St. Mark's School, and Mr. E. A. Whitney, Assistant Dean of the College. There were about 100 present.

Hold Lecture on Pacifism

On March 19, the Reverend Leyton Richards, of Carrs Lane Church, England, spoke under the joint auspices of the St. Paul's Society and The Fellowship of Youth for Peace on the subject of Christianity as applied to pacifism.


More important than any other one thing is the appointment by the Bishop of the Diocese of F. C. Lawrence and W. C. Hicks E.T.S. as student chaplains of the St. Paul's Society for the coming year. This we fell is of momentous importance, not only for he Society but also for the College in general: it is the fulfillment of a need which has been keenly felt for a long time. With these two men living in the college and devoting their time to establishing personal contacts with students, we look forward to the coming year with the greatest hope and enthusiasm.

On April 7, the following officers were elected for next year:

President. J. P. Hubbard '26.

Secretary-Treasurer, Logan H. Roots '26.

Social Service Secretary, H. H. Mac-Cubbin '26.   Respectfully submitted.   John P. Hubbard '26, President.

Chapel Committee Has Two Suggestions Accepted

During the Summer School of 1924 a morning service was held in the Chapel from Monday to Friday inclusive, of each week. The average daily attendance at these services was 46. The average for last year was 38.

First Chapel Draws 203 Freshmen

On September 22, 1924, was held the first regular week-day services of the year. On September 23 this service was a special one for Freshmen, at which 203 were present. The men conducting the morning services were:

First week. Faculty week--Professor Murray, President Lowell, Dr. Bradford, and Professors Beale, Campbell, and Woods.
