
Progress of Phillips Brooks House, Showing Great

Men Visit Infirmary

The following men, the members of the Executive Commmitee, have alternated weekly throughout the year in visiting the graduate students at the Stillman Infirmary: Messrs. Hutchinson, Arnold, Cullens, Doermann, Hammond, Hicks, Hivale, Iwamoto, Leighton, McFarland, Moodie, Morey, Morrow, Olson, Paine, Poe, Steere, and Shimer.

The annual pre-registration Sunday afternoon lecture on September 21 was given again by Dr. S. MoC. Crothers on "Common Sense and Super Common Sense" to 61 students who had come early to Cambridge.

The annual reception on September 29, attendance 305, was addressed by Professors G. G. Wilson, James H. Ropes; Deans Hughes, Whittem, Lowes, Professor Calahan representing Dean Dorham, and Dean Pound, who gave the main address.

59 Graduates Figure in Work


The contribution of funds solicited entirely by letters to graduate students, totaled $552.50, a new record. In connection with the financial contributions, 18 men volunteered for boys' club work, 20 for deputations, and 21 expressed interest in Bible Study groups. These men have all been followed up.

Three dances have been held in Agassiz House with the Radcliffe Graduate students.

The chief work of the year has been in connection with the Lecture Course in Religion. These lectures, held Sunday afternoons at 4 o'clock in Peabody Hall, have been advertised as educational in nature, not hortatory, and open only to members of the University.

New Lecture Courses in Religion

This course of lectures, given under the auspices of the Graduate Schools Society and the Christian Association of the Phillips Brooks House Association, although not in the University curriculum, proposes to offer men of the University general information in religion analogous to that given in such courses as Philosophy A and Government 1. It is designed to enable Harvard men to undersetand the main religious systems and concepts, particularly those involved in the present controversy in the Churches, so that they can intelligently take a position in religion.

Following is a list of the subjects and speakers in the course:

Religion for Modern Youth, President Charles W. Eliot.

Sources and Authority of the Bible, Professor H. J. Cadbury.

Historical Data Concerning Jesus, Professor Kirsopp Lake.

Evidence Concerning God, Professor C. I. Lewis.
