At the annual dinner of the Phillips Brooks House Association held last night, the officers of the 13 departments made their reports for the current your 1924-25.
In addition to the report of the President, the Librarian, and the Religious Work Secretary, the list includes the reports of the Christian Association, the St. Paul's Society, the Chapel Committee, St. Paul's Catholic Club, the Harvard Mission, the Graduate Schools Society, Medical School Committee, Dental School Society, Las School Society, and the Social Service Committee.
The reports, in full, follow:
Owes Its Success to Personal Interest, Says President
Since the reports of the various committees have outlined in detail what Phillips Brooks House has been doing this past year, I shall take up merely a discussion of general policies and some details which have not been mentioned.
This year's cabinet took office last April. Under its direction the work for the year began. Theodore Pearson '25 was appointed to take charge of the Class Day Spread, which was held in June, and was attended by 279 guests. Some 2500 copies of the Harvard Handbook were Issued in the fall under the business management of A. R. Sharp '25 and his assistants, A. T. Coyle '27, S. H. Hallowell '27, G. P. Strugls '27, and R. A. Magowan '27. A great many men find this book useful, for it contains practically all information necessary for new students. Because so many of these men are unable to find rooms and get located, an information bureau stands ready at the beginning of the academic year to answer all sorts of inquiries. This was run again this last fall by M. A. Check '26.
Activities Explained To 1928
For the benefit of the Freshman who wishes to become acquainted with the leaders of University activities and to find out in which of these activities his interests lie, a reception is held. This year, on September 28, the speakers were: John Richardson '08, M. W. Greenough '25, Captain of the football team, Professor G. G. Wilson, Gardner Cowles '25, President of the CRIMSON, W. W. Scott '25, President of the Lampoon, John Finley '25, President of the Advocate, and Alden Briggs '25. President of the Glee Club. B. F. Rice Bassett '25 Presided.
Two Open Houses were held as usual, one at Thanksgiving, in charge of C. H. Beale '26, and the other at Christmas, run by H. G. Dorman '26.
See Greater Efficiency
It can not be denied that much detailed work is done by Phillips Brooks House. This is clearly evidenced by Voluminous reports carefully prepared every year by the many committees connected with this federation. But what do these reports mean and toward what end do they point? Do they signify that our work here is really progressing? Is Phillips Brooks House meaning more and more each year to the undergraduate? Or is our work becoming less and less useful? These are the questions which must be answered in order to frame such policies as will make for progress. This past year I feel that our work has taken the direction of more efficiency, not however, sacrificing the personal element, and of attaining a more powerful position in the eyes of the undergraduate. There are two reasons which account to a great extent for these improvements. One is because we are stressing not the soliciting of large numbers men to serve the interests of Phillips Brooks House, but the quality of the persons volunteering their services. We would rather have only 25 good earnest workers than a hundred half-hearted martyr volunteers. We frankly do not want a man to be the leader of a boys club or do any work here unless he has the interest of Phillips Brooks House very much at heart. There is no use having an organization of any kind unless every person connected with it is giving his best work. Therefore, I maintain that, unless our officers continue the policy of permitting only wholehearted volunteers to serve, this organization will fail and never hold a position of importance in the life of the undergraduate. The other reason is because Brooks House itself is being used more than ever before for lectures conferences, and dinners. This follows a policy begun this year of confining as nearly as possible all activities in this building. In this way the undergraduate is becoming more and more acquainted with the building itself and with the work done here. For there is no doubt that the more the student body knows what Phillips Brooks House means by actual contact with it, the stronger its position in the students' estimation. For the work of Brooks House speaks for itself. But we must make every effort to inform those who do not know about what is going on here.
Appleton Thought Inadequate
Before closing I wish to mention that this year's cabinet recommended the building of a new chapel. For it has long been thought that Appleton Chapel was inadequate and inappropriate to be in accord with the religious life and tradition of Harvard University. Also, as you have already heard, a petition has been sent in to the Committee on Instruction requesting them to provide a course on religion established on similar lines to the course in History I and Philosophy A, with a view to giving a student a chance to learn the complete history of religion. Respectfully submitted. B. F. Rice Bassett '25, President.
Christian Association Has Many Varied Activities
Although no great changes have taken place in the work of the Christian Association this year, some minor changes have been made and the scope of the work somewhat enlarged, which will undoubtedly mean important changes in the future.
The work may be summarized as follows:
Deputations: Sixteen week-end deputations of from three to five men have been sent out to neighboring towns. In this work 47 men have participated. Single speakers have also been sent out. A. D. Phillips '26 deserves high praise for his work as Chairman of this Committee.
Bible Study: Five Bible Study or Religious Discussion Groups have met during the past year, with an enrolment of 50 in all.
Attendance Hits 400
Speakers: Ten Monday night meetings for Freshmen have been held, attendance averaging 138. Last year the average attendance was 70. The speakers were Dean Sperry, Messrs. Moors, Owen, and Cabot, the Reverends Sherrill, Lovett, Frothingham, and Fosdick, and Professors Hocking and Dun.
In addition, the following speakers have addressed meetings at the Phillips Brooks House: Dr Fosdick, Dr. J. R. Straton, Dr. C. F. Potter, Mr. T. Mott Osborne, and Dr. Soares, the attendance varying from 40 to 400.
Finds Personal Visits Worthless
New Student Committee: A letter of welcome and a questionnaire card we sent to all incoming Freshmen in August. After college opened, each member of the committee was given ten men to visit. The questionnaire proved to be of great value but the personal visitation work was not worth while.
Foreign Student Committee: The Foreign Student Committee carried on its work with few changes front previous years. There was the usual list of Foreign Students to be drawn up the annual reception under the joint auspices of the Cosmopolitan Club and the Christian Association, the annual Open House at Thanksgiving and Christmas, and the annual reception of the Cambridge Y. M. C. A. to Foreign Students of M. I. T. and Harvard.
Silver Bay Draws 25
Conferences: Twenty-five men attended the Silver Bay Conference last June, and six men attended a Conference in Northfield in February. A committee is now being formed for the Silver Bay Conference this year.
I have appended to this report a list of suggestions for the consideration of the new cabinet which I hope will result in an improvement in the work. Respectfully submitted. M. A. Cheek '26, President.
Cheek Recommends Changes in Christian Association
Plan for reorganization of the Harvard Christian Association 1925-26, as suggested by M. A. Cheek '26, President.
1. President: To coordinate all committees and to keep all working as well as dictate general policy. Also send out better of welcome last of August to incoming Freshmen including questionnaire. This has been work of New Student Committee.
2. Vice President: To be one of the committee chairmen, rather than a functionless figurehead.
Wants Members More Active
3. Secretary: To take note of all meetings of the cabinet, to be responsible for all notices of meetings of cabinet and other notices which the President may wish to send out. To have charge of a record book in which the names of all C. A. members shall be written and a record kept of all their works as C. A. members throughout the year, it being the intention of the President to have each member active on at least one occasion during the year.
4. Treasurer: Shall be responsible for funds and for the budget, and shall serve with the other officers on the Executive Committee.
5. The Executive Committee: Composed of President, Vice-President, Secretary, and Treasurer, shall be an unofficial membership committee that shall take charge of publicity and obtaining, holding, and utilizing members.
Committee On Deputations
6. Chairman of Deputation Committee: Shall have charge of arranging for organizing and recording or reporting on deputations. It is recommended that he have a secretary to arrange for the deputation, and an assistant chairman to help organize the reputations, that is, to interview probable delegates.
7. Chairman of Lecture Committee: Shall have charge of arranging for, advertising, and entertaining speakers, such as Dr. Fosdick, and so forth.
8. Chairman of Conference Committee: To have charge of obtaining delegations to all conferences. Silver Bay, Northfield, Indianapolis, college conference, as Wellesley conference on Church and College Student."
9. Chairman of Bible Study: Shall have charge of organizing and stimulating Bible Study and Discussion groups.
To Organize Boys' Club Work
10. Chairman of Speakers' Committee: Shall have charge of organizing a bureau which shall receive all demands for individual speakers for boys' club meetings, etc. This work must be far sighted and progressive.
11. Chairman of Social Service: Shall work in conjunction with the general chairman of the Phillips Brooks House Association Social Service Committee to enlist Christian Association members in social service work that embodies definite Christian work, such as Sunday School teachers, etc., and to keep a record of all those men and their work.
1. Foreign Student Committee be transferred from the Christian Association to the Phillips Brooks House Association.
2. New Student Committee be abolished.
St. Paul's Society Stresses Need of Personal Contact
The work of the St. Paul's Society for the academic year 1924-25 began with the annual reception for incoming students given in conjunction with the Christ Church Parish in the Parish House on the first evening of the academic year. The policy and purpose of the society was outlined by the President Rev. Prescott Evarts, Rector of Christ Church. Introduced the speakers: Bishop Slattery, Dr. W. G. Thayer, headmaster of St. Mark's School, and Mr. E. A. Whitney, Assistant Dean of the College. There were about 100 present.
Hold Lecture on Pacifism
On March 19, the Reverend Leyton Richards, of Carrs Lane Church, England, spoke under the joint auspices of the St. Paul's Society and The Fellowship of Youth for Peace on the subject of Christianity as applied to pacifism.
More important than any other one thing is the appointment by the Bishop of the Diocese of F. C. Lawrence and W. C. Hicks E.T.S. as student chaplains of the St. Paul's Society for the coming year. This we fell is of momentous importance, not only for he Society but also for the College in general: it is the fulfillment of a need which has been keenly felt for a long time. With these two men living in the college and devoting their time to establishing personal contacts with students, we look forward to the coming year with the greatest hope and enthusiasm.
On April 7, the following officers were elected for next year:
President. J. P. Hubbard '26.
Secretary-Treasurer, Logan H. Roots '26.
Social Service Secretary, H. H. Mac-Cubbin '26. Respectfully submitted. John P. Hubbard '26, President.
Chapel Committee Has Two Suggestions Accepted
During the Summer School of 1924 a morning service was held in the Chapel from Monday to Friday inclusive, of each week. The average daily attendance at these services was 46. The average for last year was 38.
First Chapel Draws 203 Freshmen
On September 22, 1924, was held the first regular week-day services of the year. On September 23 this service was a special one for Freshmen, at which 203 were present. The men conducting the morning services were:
First week. Faculty week--Professor Murray, President Lowell, Dr. Bradford, and Professors Beale, Campbell, and Woods.
During the first week of the second half-year, the preachers were Professors Gulick, Hocking, Greene Rand, and Carver, and the Reverend Angus Dun.
The preachers conducting the morning services outside of the two faculty weeks were the Reverends H. E. Speight, J. R. P. Sclater, P. R. Frothingham. E. C. Moore, W. L. Sperry, C. L. Slattery, A. H. Bradford, H. E. Fosdick, S. A. Eliot, C. R. Brown, Richard Roberts, R. B. Taylor, Vaughan Dabney, V. T. Pomeroy, E. R. Shippen, and T. G. Soares.
Average Attendance Changes Little
The average attendance at the daily services for the seven months from September to March has been 75, about this same as last year.
The Sunday services began on September 21, 1924. The preachers were, as a rule, the same as those who conducted the daily services. The following however, conducted Sunday services only: the Reverends Karl Reiland, William Lawrence, A. J. Carlyle, M. W. Dewart, J. E. Freeman, Alexander McColl, Howard Melish, and His Grace, the Bishop of Gloucester.
Sunday Service Draws 282
The average student attendance for the first seven months has been 282.
Besides these services there were the Christmas carol services, conducted by Professor E. C. Moore on December 17, afternoon and evening, December 18, evening.
The regular monthly organ recitals by Dr. Davison have been taking place since October.
There was a meeting of the Chapel Committee in the Spring of 1924 to offer suggestions on the ways in which the attendance at daily chapel could be increased. Five points were considered.
1. To change the hour from 8.45 in the morning to 7 o'clock in the evening.
2. To have a special service for Freshmen soon after the opening of college, to stimulate interest among those who are just beginning their life at Harvard.
3. To have the men who conduct the services in "faculty week" men who would interest and hold their audiences.
4. To have during the year two or three services conducted by students--if any could be found willing to undertake the work.
5. To leave the chapel building open during the day for rest and prayer.
Two Proposed Points Accepted
These points were incorporated in a letter to the Christmas of the Board of Preachers. The results were that: first, a special service for Freshmen for held: and secondly, the men conducting those services during the first week were men who interested the students. Respectfully submitted. Douglas Krumbhaar '26, Chairman.
Cooperation Is Chief Aim of Catholic Club Endeavors
The opening meeting of the St. Paul's Catholic Club was held on October 7. 1924, in the new club house at 8 DeWolfe Street. Cambridge. Plans for the year were discussed before a large gathering of club members and Catholic students of the University. Professors Jeremiah D. M. Ford and Louis J. A. Mercier gave interesting talks on the history of the Club emphasizing the importance of cooperation among the Catholic students.
Monthly Meetings Prove Successful
Throughout the year, the meetings have been held on the first Tuesday of each month, with an average attendance of so. All of these meetings have been addressed by prominent men, among whom have been Mayor Edward L. Quinn of Cambridge and District Attorney Thomas C. O' Brien of Suffolk County.
The Reverend Fr. William R. Gunn of the St. Paul's Parish, Cambridge, has succeeded Reverend Fr. John J. Ryan as the chaplain of the Club. Fr. Gunn has given a series of instructive talks during the year on the "Bible".
The plans for the remainder of the year include the Annual Dance to be held at the Copley Plaza on April 13, 1925, and the Annual Corporate Communion Breakfast of the Catholic students of the University on Sunday, May 10, 1925. Communion will be administered at the St. Paul's Church; and the breakfast will be in the Living Room of the Union.
The policy of the club has been to extend to every Catholic student of the University the opportunity to meet his fellow students in social and religious ways. Respectfully submitted. Joseph Sullivan '25, President
Toc H Movement Helps Foster Religion, Says Secretary
The office of Religious Work Secrets was mangurated in 1923 under Freedoms C.Lawrence '20: the position was an experiment in trying to reach men in a personal way and to help them to a larger realization of the meaning of Religion in their own lives. The result of the work was group of interested men which was a rich heritage for this years work. The ultimate task of the year was to build into the life of Phillips Brooks House the spirit of Christ, which is god manifest. In various movements in the University, and to encourage men to a press their religion by taking responsibility in life and service in the opportunities which are abundant here. The Christian Association is being Marie with officers who have such purpose and as an index of their determination fulfill this purpose, almost the entire cabinet plans to go to the student conference at Silver Bay this June.
Three Groups Started For Prayer
The work of the secretary has been varied. Three groups have been meeting for prayer and consideration of the Christian way of life. The first is the Friday morning meetings, varying from ten to 25 men who have gathered throughout the year for devotions and the sharing of fellowship and Christian experience. These meetings have helped many men to a deeper knowledge of God and the purpose of their own lives. The second group has been smaller; it meets daily at 1.30 for prayer and fellowship. In it have met most of the men who are to be leaders in the Christian Association this coming year.
The last group grew out of the visit of Mr. Clayton of England to Cambridge and his accounts of the work of Toc H. The idea is similar to the aims of the other two groups; it has behind it the purpose to carry the spirit of Christ into every moment of life and to be alert to express it in action. The meetings have been taking place under the name of Toc H.
Conference's Mark Year's Work
Among the many activities in which the secretary has shared is the training of Bible Discussion Group leaders under the direction of Professor Bruce Curry, who spent a week at Phillips Brooks House: the work was most profitable. Afterwards a leaders' group carried on for a series of eight meetings. The weekend of November 28-30 there was held under the leadership of Henry Pitney Van Dusen of the Student Department of the Y. M. C. A., William Bryan, and William Buell of the Philadelphian Society of Princeton, a series of meetings for 35 men to face the demands of Christianity on their lives and its application to the problems of student life. The Northfield Conference in February provided an opportunity for six men to gather with the leaders from other colleges to consider this matter further.
Progress Found in Personal Growth
The greater part of this year's work is, in its nature, untraceable; there is no measure for spiritual values. Frequent calls at the Stillman Infirmary; efforts to secure jobs for men needing to earn money; selecting men for work in social service and deputations; introducing transfer students, who are often lonely, to congenial fellow students, and continually visiting men, offers rich opportunities to talk over the real issues of life and to search mutually for a deeper vision. The need for more men who will humbly seek to interpret the things of God amid the active and frenzied life of many undergraduates is indeed, great; a central purpose is lacking to inspire many to find a hint of where their future usefulness will be found; problems of life work, disorganization of routine in their academic obligations are not infrequent; the infinite variety of problems that are occupying the minds of students furnish chances for friendship that has made the adventure and joy of this work. There is a sincerity of religious interest abroad today among students that is an encouragement and a challenge. The University is a wealthy field for the highest type of Christian leadership; at present it is practically untapped. There is abundant work for two full time men. Respectfully submitted, W. C. Hicks E.T.S., Secretary.
Secretary Says Mission Work Has Achieved Great Things
The purpose of the Harvard Mission is to arouse, maintain, and increase among Harvard men an intelligent interest and participation in the work of missions".
The work this year, as usual, has included home, as well as foreign, missions. During the summer the Harvard Daily Vacation Bible School for children was held by in Cambridge from July 6 to August 7. The school met five mornings each week, the average daily attendance being 70, and the complete enrolment 120, including white, black, Catholic, Jewish, and Protestant Americans of Portuguese, Irish, Italian, Polish, and Spanish descent. There was a special entertainment for the children each week, and automobile trips were made to places of interest. H. H. MacCubbin '26 was principal, and was largely responsible for the success of the school.
Three forum meetings were held in the fall, for the purpose of acquainting men in the University with opportunities for work in definite foreign fields. Two of these were on India and one on Japan.
Christmas cards were sent out, as usual, to all Harvard men engaged in missionary work.
On March 5 Mr. Milton Stauffer, educational secretary for the Student Volunteer Movement, spent the day holding interviews with men, and speaking in the afternoon on the subject of opportunities for teaching abroad.
Gives Help To Syrian Student
Answering the appeal of Randolph B. Smith '22, who is form master of the Senior Class at the Preparatory School of the American University at Belrut, Syria, the Cabinet voted to send out a check for $75 to help one of Mr. Smith's pupils, who needed the money to finish his Senior year.
The Committee for this year has been as follows: Gardner Cowles '25, A. B. Harlow '25, J. McC. Roots '25, W. M. Austin '25, Dudley Merrill '26, D. LeB. Sweeney '26, O. L. Loring '26, Lawrence Coolidge '27, R. H. Thomas '27, S. H. Sturgis '27, P. C. Johnson '27, L. H. Roots '26. Respectfully submitted, J. S. Clarke '25, Chairman.
Religion Lectures Triumph For Graduate Society
A complete survey was made of living costs of married and single students in the Graduate Schools of Arts and Sciences, Business Administration, Educaiton, Architecture, Theology, and Engineering, and the tabulated results included in a printed leaflet which was inclosed by the various deans in their letters to prespective students.
The usual information bureau was maintained at the opening of the University.
Men Visit Infirmary
The following men, the members of the Executive Commmitee, have alternated weekly throughout the year in visiting the graduate students at the Stillman Infirmary: Messrs. Hutchinson, Arnold, Cullens, Doermann, Hammond, Hicks, Hivale, Iwamoto, Leighton, McFarland, Moodie, Morey, Morrow, Olson, Paine, Poe, Steere, and Shimer.
The annual pre-registration Sunday afternoon lecture on September 21 was given again by Dr. S. MoC. Crothers on "Common Sense and Super Common Sense" to 61 students who had come early to Cambridge.
The annual reception on September 29, attendance 305, was addressed by Professors G. G. Wilson, James H. Ropes; Deans Hughes, Whittem, Lowes, Professor Calahan representing Dean Dorham, and Dean Pound, who gave the main address.
59 Graduates Figure in Work
The contribution of funds solicited entirely by letters to graduate students, totaled $552.50, a new record. In connection with the financial contributions, 18 men volunteered for boys' club work, 20 for deputations, and 21 expressed interest in Bible Study groups. These men have all been followed up.
Three dances have been held in Agassiz House with the Radcliffe Graduate students.
The chief work of the year has been in connection with the Lecture Course in Religion. These lectures, held Sunday afternoons at 4 o'clock in Peabody Hall, have been advertised as educational in nature, not hortatory, and open only to members of the University.
New Lecture Courses in Religion
This course of lectures, given under the auspices of the Graduate Schools Society and the Christian Association of the Phillips Brooks House Association, although not in the University curriculum, proposes to offer men of the University general information in religion analogous to that given in such courses as Philosophy A and Government 1. It is designed to enable Harvard men to undersetand the main religious systems and concepts, particularly those involved in the present controversy in the Churches, so that they can intelligently take a position in religion.
Following is a list of the subjects and speakers in the course:
Religion for Modern Youth, President Charles W. Eliot.
Sources and Authority of the Bible, Professor H. J. Cadbury.
Historical Data Concerning Jesus, Professor Kirsopp Lake.
Evidence Concerning God, Professor C. I. Lewis.
The Actual Teaching of Jesus Himself, Dean Willard L. Sperry.
Life After Death, Dean W. W. Fenn.
Sin. Conversion. Forgiveness. Atonement, Professor Angus Dun.
The Social Training of Jesus Christ, Professor Francia G. Peabody.
Religion in Law, Politics and International Relations, Professor W. B. Munro.
Religion in Business, Mr. Roger W. Babson.
Religion in Business, Mr. A. Lincoln Filene.
Mohammedanism, Professor George Foot Moore.
Roman Catholicism, the Right Reverend John B. Peterson.
Brahmanism, Professor C. R. Lanman.
Buddhism, Professor James H. Woods.
Mysticism and Prayer the Right Reverend Charles Lewis Slattery.
Judaism, Rappi Stephen S. Wise.
The Sects of Christianity, Church Unity, Professor Kirsopp Lake.
Science and Religion, Professor A. N. Whitehead.
Religion of the Future, Professor W. E. Hocking.
Large Crowds Prove Success
The average attendance at the whole series of meetings has been about 300. The secret of the success of these lectures lies in their coincidence with potential questions in men's minds, in their educational nature, the unprejudiced character of the lectures, the fairness to different points of view, the candid statement of the subjects and sub-topics, and the ample opportunity for questions.
Another series of 20 lectures is now being arranged for next year by the following committee:
W. A. Shimer 3G., Chairman.
E. D. Hutchinson 2G.
D. V. Steere 2G.
R. L. Olson 2G.
M. A. Cheek '26.
H. H. MacCubbin '26.
Lectures to Appear in Book Form
The Committee has closed a contract with Charles Scrrbner's Sons for the publishing of two books consisting respectively of the 1924-25 lectures and the 1925-26 lectures, providing consent can be obtained from the lecturers. The publishers will assume complete responsibility with respect to all costs and the editing, and will pay us a royalty. These proceeds will be devoted to the religious, social, and philanthropic work of the Phillips Brooks House Association.
The Graduate Schools Society and the Christian Association have recommended to the Committee on Instruction of Harvard University the inclusion of a general course in religion for undergraduates.
Commends Members For Service
For the success of this year's work, great credit is due the members of the Executive Committee. Particular mention should be made of the Chairman, Eliot D. Hutchinson, for two years of loyal and efficient service, and of Douglas V. Steere, who has served faithfully as special Chairman of the Lecture Course in Religion, and of Samuel Hammond Jr., who has managed the Infirmary visitation. Special notice is due the CRIMSON for its courtesy in bringing the Lecture Course in Religion before the attention of the College. Respectfully submitted, W. A. Shimer 3G., Executive Secretary.
Scope of Medical Society Is Enlarged by More Lectures
On September 1 a letter of welcome, together with a map of the district surrounding the school and a list of approved rooms was sent out to all the incoming students.
Four days prior to the opening of school and on registration day, an information booth was maintained in the Administration Buildings and Handbooks were given out.
Lowell Talks at Reception
On Friday evening, October 3, an informal reception was held for all the students in the School. President Lowell and Dr. Cheever spoke attendance 250.
Meetings held during the year were as follows:
October 27, Dr. William J. Wanless; F. A. C. S., Professor of Surgery at Miraj Medical School. Miraj, India, spoke on "Surgery in the Tropics"-attendance 200.
December 15, Dr. Charles W. Eliot talked on "Opportunities in Public Health", attendance 300.
February 18, Dr. Edwin St. John Ward, Dean of Medicine, American University at Beirut, Syria, gave an address on "Medical Education in the Near East", attendance 100.
March 2, Dr. George B. Magrath, Medical Examiner of Suffolk County, gave an Illustrated lecture on "Sketches from the Log Book of a Medical Examiner"-attendance 350.
March 23, Dr. Richard C. Cabot, Professor of Clinical Medicine and of Social Ethics, talked on "Medical Ethics", attendance 225.
Branches into New Fields
The scope of the Medical School Committee work has been enlarged to some extent this year.
A lean library was started late last May, about is medical text books being donated. It is the aim of the committee to have a large library of books available for those men who can not well afford to buy books.
On October 20 a six-piece orchestra made up of medical students, gave a concert to 70 boys at the Hale House in the South End.
Medical Conference Held
On March 28 a Medical Missions Conference was held at the Medical School with the following speakers: Dr. Joel E. Goldthwait or Boston: Dr. E.M. Dodd of Persia: DR. J. G. Vaughn of China: Dr. W.R Morse of west China. Dr. Mark Ward of Turkey: Dr. P. T. Watson of China. And Dr. T. W. Sloan Superintend end of the Peking Union Medical School Hospital. China. Attendance 125.
Students in the Medical School have contributed $200 for the work of the Committee this year. Respectfully submitted, F. R. Parks 4M., Secretary.
Dental School Society Adds Social Service to Program
1. A list of approved rooming houses, a survey of student expenses, and a letter of welcome were sent to all prospective Freshmen in September.
2. An information bureau was maintained and all new students were personally directed to suitable rooming houses.
3. Handbooks were given to every new student.
4. A financial campaign was carried on and $135 was raised, a record amount.
5. Second hand books were collected and sold to the students at reduced prices.
6. A religious census was taken and through the Church Committee every new man was invited to go to his own church in Boston, by an upperclassman of the same denomination.
7. A Sick Committee was formed, through which a list of all sick students is posted.
8. The Lampoon and the CRIMSON were secured for the reading room.
9. In conjunction with the Research Society, an opening reception was given to all new students.
10. On December 8 President Eliot spoke to the Society on "The Ethics of the Dental Profession". Two more meetings are scheduled.
11. Since Christmas, ten men have been enlisted in social service work, a new departure at the Dental School. Respectfully submitted, N. G. Newman Jr. 3Dn., Secretary.
Most of Legal Social Service Done by Legal Aid Society
The activities of the Law School Society during the past year have not been widely different from those of previous years. The chief social service work is, of course, the Legal Aid Society, which has completed a successful season of litigation, under the able leadership of Curtis C. Williams 3L. He and the President of the Society for 1925-26, Richard Wait 2L. have put the work on a very secure basis, and there is present every indication of a healthy growth in the usefulness of this desirable labor. Twenty men have worked at the Cambridge office and an equal number in Boston. The counsel of the Society have given advice or assistance in almost every branch of the law, from patents to domestic relations, which latter field furnishes a very large proportion of the cases.
Lew Lecturers Are Popular
A course of five lectures on the law and related subjects was arranged during the fall. The speakers included Mr. Richard Hale, Professor Manley O. Hudson, the Honorable Irving Lehman, the Honorable Marrin Conboy, and Mr. Thomas C. O'Brien. The attendance varied from 60 to 400. A reception was held for first year men on the opening day of the academic year-attendance 340.
Some 215 books have been withdrawn from the Law Loan Library, with a limit of three books to a man. Many more men could be served if more books were available, but due to the present activity on the part of the Cooperative and other second hand book agencies, most of the used books go into the commercial market. About $360 was collected from law students for the work of the Society. Respectfully submitted. R. V. Cafter 31..Secretary
Wide Use of Loan Text-Books Is Reported by Librarian
Of the tour department Phillips Brooks House Library three the Text Book Lean Library, the Randall Library and the Reading Room Library are under charger of the Librarian. The Law School Library's in charge of the Law School Society.
Lend More Than 1000 Books
On September 22, the New Book Loan Library was opened with 2600 books. Up to the present 1130 books have been taken out by 335 undergraduates of the remaining books fully 700 were obsolete or of small important and a large number of the remainder duplicates.