
Progress of Phillips Brooks House, Showing Great

Religion of the Future, Professor W. E. Hocking.

Large Crowds Prove Success

The average attendance at the whole series of meetings has been about 300. The secret of the success of these lectures lies in their coincidence with potential questions in men's minds, in their educational nature, the unprejudiced character of the lectures, the fairness to different points of view, the candid statement of the subjects and sub-topics, and the ample opportunity for questions.

Another series of 20 lectures is now being arranged for next year by the following committee:

W. A. Shimer 3G., Chairman.


E. D. Hutchinson 2G.

D. V. Steere 2G.

R. L. Olson 2G.

M. A. Cheek '26.

H. H. MacCubbin '26.

Lectures to Appear in Book Form

The Committee has closed a contract with Charles Scrrbner's Sons for the publishing of two books consisting respectively of the 1924-25 lectures and the 1925-26 lectures, providing consent can be obtained from the lecturers. The publishers will assume complete responsibility with respect to all costs and the editing, and will pay us a royalty. These proceeds will be devoted to the religious, social, and philanthropic work of the Phillips Brooks House Association.

The Graduate Schools Society and the Christian Association have recommended to the Committee on Instruction of Harvard University the inclusion of a general course in religion for undergraduates.

Commends Members For Service

For the success of this year's work, great credit is due the members of the Executive Committee. Particular mention should be made of the Chairman, Eliot D. Hutchinson, for two years of loyal and efficient service, and of Douglas V. Steere, who has served faithfully as special Chairman of the Lecture Course in Religion, and of Samuel Hammond Jr., who has managed the Infirmary visitation. Special notice is due the CRIMSON for its courtesy in bringing the Lecture Course in Religion before the attention of the College.  Respectfully submitted,  W. A. Shimer 3G., Executive Secretary.
