
Contributing writer

Sebastian B. Connolly

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John S. Rosenberg
Central Administration

Harvard Magazine Editor Rosenberg to Retire, Ending 30-Year Tenure

Harvard Magazine editor John S. Rosenberg will retire in April, ending his three-decade tenure at the head of the alumni magazine.

Felipe's Storefront
Student Life

The Sad Truth of Happy Hour in Massachusetts

A stalled push to repeal a ban on happy hour in Massachusetts has reignited a debate over the state’s drinking laws and nightlife.

Massachusetts General Hospital

Mass General Brigham to Launch Home Hospital Care Program for Homeless Veterans

Ariadne Labs at Mass General Brigham is launching a new program to offer at-home hospital care for homeless veterans in transitional housing, according to a press release from the hospital.

BHI Lecture

Kip Thorne, 2017 Nobel Laureate, Talks Black Holes During Inaugural Hawking Lecture

Hundreds packed Science Center Hall B to watch Kip S. Thorne, a professor of theoretical physics at Caltech and a 2017 Nobel Prize laureate, discuss black holes and wormholes during the inaugural Hawking Lecture on Friday.

Cambridge Grand Junction Railroad Bridge

New Report Suggests Repurposing Grand Junction Rail Line for Passenger Use

A rail line currently being used to transport freight and equipment could transform transit in Cambridge, according to a report released by the Cambridge Redevelopment Authority earlier this month.

Administration Building, McLean Hospital, Belmont MA

Canadian Biotech Company to Supply MDMA for McLean Hospital Clinical Trial

Toronto-based MDMA manufacturer PharmAla Biotech signed a contract to supply researchers at McLean Hospital, an HMS-affiliated psychiatric teaching hospital, with the drug for a pending clinical trial, PharmAla announced in a Oct. 2 press release.
