
Contributing writer

Cassidy M. Cheng

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American Repertory Theater Launches High School Workshop Program

The American Repertory Theater announced the launch of the Lavine Learning Lab late last month, a new program that connects local public high school students to theater through student workshops centered around A.R.T. productions.

Biological Laboratories

Harvard Biology Professors Win International Awards for Neuroscience Research

Two Molecular and Cellular Biology professors, Takao K. Hensch ’88 and Catherine Dulac, received prestigious international awards this fall for their neuroscience research.

Honeycomb collage
Flyby Blog

Flyby Tries: Honeycomb Creamery

Honeycomb’s been on our go-to list for a while now, but this weekend we decided to actually embark upon this side quest. Of course, as soon as we picked a day the weather dropped ten degrees. Ice cream in 50-degree weather — why not? Undeterred, we set off from campus at a brisk pace, enjoying the fall foliage and peaceful Cambridge vibes on an overcast but otherwise lovely day.

Honeycomb collage
Flyby Blog

Honeycomb collage

Honeycomb collage

Boylston Hall

Italian Program Establishes Largest Cash Prize in Harvard’s Romance Languages Dept.

Harvard’s Italian Language Program announced the largest monetary prize in the Department of Romance Languages and Literatures, coming as the program faces declining enrollment.

Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health

Harvard School of Public Health Study Finds That Deforestation May Increase Malaria Transmission

A Harvard School of Public Health study published Oct. 21 found that ecological changes in the Brazilian Amazon have led to a significant increase in the risk of malaria transmission.

Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health

Decades-Long NHS Research Jeopardized by Funding Cuts

The Nurses’ Health Study – a 48-year long medical study run jointly by the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health, Brigham and Women’s Hospital, and the Harvard Medical School – is at risk of shutting down due to a lack of funding, according to researchers involved with the project.

Cambridge Fire Department Under Renovation

Cambridge Officials Celebrate Start of $77 Million Fire Station Renovations

Top Cambridge officials celebrated the start of long-delayed renovations on the Cambridge Fire Department Headquarters at a Tuesday groundbreaking ceremony at the 491 Broadway Street construction site.
