
Contributing writer

Neeraja S. Kumar

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Caron S. Kim Little Shop of Horrors

Artist Profile: Caron S. Kim ’24 on Asian Visibility and Art’s Accessibility

Taking open pride in her FGLI background, Kim challenged the “unspoken pact” that prior experience is required to participate in the arts at Harvard.

Peabody Museum

Harvard Peabody Museum Returns Five Ancient Mummies to Denmark

The Harvard Peabody Museum of Archaeology and Ethnology returned five Greenlandic Inuit mummies to Denmark last week, five years after their repatriation was first requested by Danish authorities.

Students Speak at Sackler Protest

‘Sack the Sacklers’: Students Urge Harvard to Remove Sackler Name for a Class Assignment

Nine Harvard students protested Harvard’s ties to the infamous Sackler family, the former owners of Purdue Pharma, at the Harvard Art Museums for a final class assignment on Saturday.

Peabody Museum

‘Appalling’: Keynote Speaker at Legacy of Slavery Symposium Calls for Faster Repatriation of Indigenous Remains

Tara Houska, a tribal attorney and activist who served as the keynote speaker during the second day of Harvard’s Legacy of Slavery Symposium, condemned the University’s continued possession of Indigenous objects and ancestral remains during an interview following the event.

Nikole Hannah-Jones at Legacy of Slavery Event
Central Administration

‘A Joke’: Nikole Hannah-Jones Says Harvard Should Spend More on Legacy of Slavery Initiative

Nikole Hannah-Jones, a Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist and creator of the 1619 Project, slammed Harvard’s $100 million commitment to its Legacy of Slavery initiative as “a joke” during her keynote talk at a University symposium on Tuesday evening.


What Happened to the Starving Artist?

Artists have always had to fight the world they live in and the artists they compete against. Now, they also have to compete with an online copycat.

Slime Tutorials Theater Graphic

Invaluable and Illicit: ‘Slime Tutorials’ for an Online Generation

Slime tutorials were an important part of the childhoods of many theater lovers, but also represent an ongoing problem.

'Love Lies Bleeding' Still

‘Love Lies Bleeding’ Review: Subverting Tropes Around Crime, Thriller, and Love

The movie begins as one would expect. However, the film quickly divulges into a wild, thrilling narrative that keeps viewers on the edge of their seats.

Harvard Yenching Library

An ‘Urgent Need’: Professors Call for Renovations to Harvard-Yenching Library

Earlier this month, Harvard announced plans to renovate four major libraries ahead of the University’s 400th anniversary. But some said the Harvard-Yenching Library, which was absent from the list, is in critical need of repair.

'Firebugs' by Nino Bulling Cover

‘Firebugs’ Review: Identity, Confusion, and the Need for Change

“Firebugs" is a poignant look into love, gender identity, and intimacy set on an Earth affected by climate change.

Houghton Library Construction Sign

Harvard Plans To Renovate 4 Major Libraries Ahead of 400th Anniversary

Martha Whitehead, vice president of the Harvard Library, announced plans to renovate the four major libraries in Harvard Yard — Widener, Lamont, Pusey, and Houghton — during a faculty meeting last week.

Nostalgic Candy Design

Nostalgic Candy: Vignettes by The Crimson’s Arts Board

This week, The Crimson’s Arts Board reflects on their favorite types of candy from childhood, and the memories that it brings to mind.

John G. Wolbach Library Closing Sign

Harvard Center for Astrophysics to Close Wolbach Library Due to ‘Financial Considerations’

The John G. Wolbach Library — which carries one of the world’s largest astronomical collections — will shutter its doors on Friday, in a move that was “driven primarily by financial considerations,” according to an email from Harvard Center for Astrophysics Director Lisa Kewley.

Peabody Museum

Harvard Peabody Museum Releases Data on Repatriation Efforts

The Harvard Peabody Museum of Archaeology & Ethnology released updates on its repatriation efforts under the Native American Graves Protection and Repatriation Act last Wednesday.

Peabody Museum North America Collection

Harvard Peabody Museum Removes Nearly 40 Native American Objects From Display

The Peabody Museum of Archaeology and Ethnology removed nearly 40 Native American and Indigenous cultural objects from their displays to comply with new regulations from the Department of the Interior.
