Crimson staff writer
Arezoo Ghazagh
Crimson staff writer Arezoo Ghazagh can be reached at Arezoo.ghazagh@thecrimson.com.
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Harvard Rivalries
Whether you planned your own Super Bowl watch party or were too distracted by the Sunday Scaries to tune in, yesterday was a time for fun-spirited taunting and glaring at your rivals. Here are some of the most contested rivalries on Harvard’s campus — get ready to pick your side.
Winter Break, On Your Resume
If you’re too embarrassed to admit that you spent your winter break doing absolutely nothing to anyone who asks about your break (read: everyone, for some reason), we have the perfect piece of advice: pretend you’re putting your break on your resume.
Love it/Hate it: Blank Street
Fast coffee, subscriptions, interesting flavors of matcha... Blank Street has it all. Now that the café has settled into its place in Harvard Square, read on to hear how two Flyby writers really feel about it.
Flyby Investigates: Nowruz
While the celebrations and festivities might be over for some now that we’re back on campus, Persian students on campus, such as myself, still have one last hurrah to look forward to before completely submitting to the demands of our academic schedules – Nowruz! We here at Flyby have compiled our list of traditional items to include in a haft-sin for this very special occasion and hope that we can teach you a thing or two about this holiday. Eid-e Shoma Mobarak!
Flyby Tries: Spirit Airlines
If you’re anything like us, when it came to spring break, the only thing between us and brightening up our Instagrams with the trip of a lifetime was the cost. As your helpful Flyby writers, we found you a solution and tested it for your convenience — budget your flight with Spirit Airlines!
Spirit Airlines Rear Seat
The view from a randomly assigned seat in the very rear of the Spirit plane
Dude, That’s Rude: D-hall Chairs with Arms
Have you been thinking about d-hall chairs recently, specifically those with arms? No? I really didn’t think so, but luckily for you we at Flyby have! Here’s our bone to pick with armed d-hall chairs — yes, it’s a valid complaint, and yes you’ll agree by the end of our argument.
Harvard Highlights of 2023
All in all, 2023 definitely left a mark on Harvard’s campus in one way or another.
Top 5 Things to Do in New Haven
Confused as to what there is to even do in Connecticut? Don’t blame yourself, we didn’t originally know either… but now we do! Here are six different things to do in New Haven during your time at Harvard-Yale this year!
How to: Live in a Harvard Dorm
So you just moved into your shoebox of a dorm and you’re thinking to yourself: there must be more. We know exactly how you feel. Sure, some of you might still be excited enough to ~romanticize~ your dorm, but trust us, give or take a month and you too will be agitated by the fact that there is no air conditioning to relieve you from the sweltering heat of Cambridge summer. The good news is, no matter what your rooming situation is, with the right attitude and a little bit of (amazing) advice you can and absolutely will have a blast living in your Harvard dorm.
Make the Most Out of Your Visitas
Visitas is most students’ first taste of Harvard life and all it has to offer, and obviously we all know the weight that first impressions hold. Here are six tips for how to make the most out of your Visitas experience! (Spoiler alert, it does NOT include Tasty Basty.)
Things I Missed About Harvard on Break
Does being on campus again and completing yet another midterm make you bummed? Take a step back for a second, and you'll find that there are many things to love about Harvard. While enjoying more sleep, I found myself missing a few Harv-specific things while on break.
Kirkland House
Welcome to Kirkland House! Yes, you’ve seen it in The Social Network, but Kirkland’s worth should not be limited to just Mark Zuckerberg’s legacy. This tiny, yet mighty, house, affectionately called “Kirk,” is seated in River West and awaits you with many unique traditions as well as an extremely tight-knit community that is hard to beat. After becoming a boar, the possibilities are endless: Want to meditate, brew some beer, or check out the comfy (as in really, really comfy) grille couches? Why not try it all!