
Contributing writer

Shelby N. Tzung

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Comedy vector graphic

Humility or Humiliation?

We are not all comedians, and we don’t all bear the same burden of trauma that Gadsby does, but her set made me realize that we are all capable of hurting ourselves through our remarks about ourselves, even when they are diffused by the intonation of a joke.

Ballet Imposter Syndrome Column

When the Curtain Comes Down

“Thank you, but it wasn’t that great. I fell off pointe here, lost my core in that last pirouette, and barely pointed my foot in the last jump.” He rolled his eyes, but he didn’t seem surprised that I failed to accept his praise. In the ballet world, no one can take a compliment.

Imposter Syndrome Column Graphic

Who Are the Impostors Among Us?

Amidst the frenzy on GroupMe to impress each other with our sophisticated opinions on obscure topics, I was struck by how frequently I saw mentions of the infamous ~impostor syndrome~, frequently written exactly that way, in the cutesy tilde that deliberately suggests a demure air of self-deprecation.

School of Public Health
The Scoop

Investigating COVID-19 Data Through A Feminist Lens

Through their work, the lab hopes to illuminate how gendered experience within society interacts with biology — and it believes that it is critical to consider these variables in intersection, as opposed to isolation, with regards to COVID-19.

Fall Foliage Step 2

Massachusetts Drought Forecasts a Turbulent Future

Brittle yellowed leaves cluttered Harvard Yard in early August, well before they typically change color. The fallen leaves are a symptom of a much larger problem: the significant drought currently affecting Massachusetts.
