Crimson staff writer
Raquel Coronell Uribe
Raquel Coronell Uribe is the President of the 149th Guard. She can be reached at raquel.coronelluribe@thecrimson.com. Follow her on Twitter @raquelco15.
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I Led The Crimson Through Historic Backlash. Now, Harvard’s Pro-Palestine Protesters Face Worse.
Remember the members of our class not graduating with us because they were punished this week — in flagrant disregard of decades of University precedent — for peacefully and civilly exercising their right to free speech.
Cancer, or the Day God Was Sick
There’s no way to talk or write about illness; none that is good enough, anyway.
A Note to Readers: The Crimson’s Digital Future
In the fall of 2022, The Crimson will make a historic change to harness the opportunity presented by the digital era: We will shift to producing a weekly print edition while recentering our operations and product to prioritize daily online content.
A Note to Readers: On the Legacy of Slavery at Harvard
Today, The Crimson chose to dedicate our front page to the memory of the individuals enslaved by leadership, faculty, staff, and donors at Harvard University.
Primal Scream
Students congregated in Harvard Yard for Primal Scream on Wednesday night, the last day of reading period.
No Pants? Snow Problem. Primal Scream Makes a Hollering Comeback
Baring it all in the season’s first snowfall, hundreds of Harvard students gathered outside Wednesday night in jackets, underwear, and little else to resume the boisterous tradition of streaking around Harvard Yard the midnight before finals.
‘Functionally Food Insecurity’: Harvard Students’ Decades-Long Push For Hot Kosher Lunch
Roughly 40 undergrads keep kosher, following strict dietary restrictions according to Jewish law, but just one dining hall covered by Harvard’s undergraduate meal plan, Harvard Hillel, is kosher, and it is only open for dinner.
HUDS Pilots Hot Kosher Lunch Options in Quincy House
Harvard University Dining Services will offer a hot kosher lunch option upon request in Quincy House, starting Wednesday.
Car Crashes in Harvard Yard, Nearly Striking Several Students
A man who “appeared to be under the influence” drove his vehicle into Harvard Yard, nearly striking several people and ending in a car crash Wednesday night, per Harvard police spokesperson Steven G. Catalano.
Police Searching for 3 Male Suspects After Stabbing Near Mather House Friday Night
Cambridge police are searching for three unidentified male suspects involved in a stabbing that occurred near Mather House Friday night.
Stabbing near Mather House
Cambridge police blocked off several streets after a stabbing near Mather House Friday night.
Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court
The Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court — the highest court in the Commonwealth — is comprised of a chief justice and six associate justices, who hear appeals on both criminal and civil cases.
Lanier Versus Harvard
Civil rights attorney Benjamin L. Crump, right, alongside Tamara K. Lanier at a press conference Monday after a hearing before the Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court at the John Adams Courthouse in Boston.
Mass. Supreme Court Hears Oral Arguments Over Harvard’s Possession of Photos Depicting Enslaved People
In the opening salvo of their effort to appeal the March dismissal of Lanier v. Harvard, lawyers for Tamara K. Lanier and Harvard argued before the Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court about whether the University unlawfully possesses and profits from historic photos Lanier says depict her enslaved ancestors.