
Contributing writer

Narayan T. Sundararajan

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SEAS Expects Increase in Concentrators, Strives for Greater Diversity in School Makeup

The School of Engineering and Applied Sciences is projected to see increased numbers of undergraduate concentrators when sophomores declare their fields of study on Nov. 17, continuing a trend of fast growth since 2007.

Shakespeare: His Collected Works
Student Groups

Houghton Library Exhibit Brings Shakespeare to the Yard

The Houghton Library exhibit “Shakespeare: His Collected Works,” which features a wide array of collections about the playwright from Harvard and around the world, will come to and end this month.


Campus Assassins Game Targets Malaria

Across the College, 400 students have signed up to play Assassins—a live action game in which players receive human targets and attempt to eliminate them—with a particular focus on malaria prevention and awareness.


Freshmen Jam Annenberg for Berry Study Break

Hundreds of freshmen crowded Annenberg Hall to enjoy an assortment of strawberries, blueberries, raspberries, and blackberries during Tuesday’s Brain Break, but some were left with just sour grapes.

New Harvard Shop Grand Opening
Student Groups

Amid Food and Fanfare, New Harvard Shop Opens

​Harvard Student Agencies celebrated the grand opening of a new Harvard Shop at 34 JFK Street this past weekend, following the closure of another Harvard Shop location due to renovations to Harvard’s Smith Campus Center.


Theses Submitted, Seniors Excited to Leave the Library

Members of the Class of 2016 who submitted their senior theses said they are looking forward to spending their newfound free time away from libraries and looming deadlines.

Spring Break Dining

New Spring Break Meal Plan Brings Mixed Reviews

​A new spring break meal plan has received mixed reviews from students who stayed on campus over the weeklong holiday.

Student Groups

2016 Women’s Week Kicks Off

The Harvard College Women’s Center kicked off its annual Women’s Week Sunday to recognize the experiences of women and laud their historical achievements.
