
Crimson staff writer

Marella A. Gayla

Marella A. Gayla is the Magazine Chair for the 145th guard. She can be reached at Follow her on Twitter @marellagayla.

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Meredith and Victor
Commencement 2019

Wedding Bells Class of 2019

These four couples in the Class of 2019 are tying the knot.

Courtney Blair

In Memoriam: Courtney S. Blair '19

Friends fondly remember Courtney S. Blair '19.

MAG Endpaper Graphic Collage

God, Everything is so Asian These Days

As I scrutinized every white man over the age of 30 I told myself I just wanted to understand Edward Blum, but that was a lie. There are things I actually don’t understand, like cryptocurrency, airplanes, and lightning.

Paulo J. Pinto
Fifteen Most Interesting

Paulo J. Pinto

It turns out that Pinto’s two hometowns—Oliveira do Hospital and Newark—sit on the same latitude. “It’s really weird,” he says. “My parents just went directly across the ocean.”

Memorial Hall Plaque

Our Own Little War

Harvard doesn’t have a Robert E. Lee, or a John C. Calhoun. Even so, questions of Civil War remembrance and Southern heritage crop up in Cambridge every so often.



I usually make my pilgrimage when the start of school is in sight. While the ides of August have many people clinging to the hard-earned summer in their hides, I am eager to shed and start anew—and I mean this very literally.

Reverend Walton
Front Photo Feature

‘Education Not Deportation’: Professors Under Arrest

“There weren’t a lot of question marks,” a professor says. “People knew what to expect.”

marjorie garber

Marjorie Garber

" Teaching a course is a matter of trying to find out where students’ interests are and presenting the material so that it catches fire for them," says Marjorie Garber. "That’s the thrill of it and the risk of it."

Do I Like You or Am I Only Sleeping Over Because I Live in the Quad?

Do I Like You or Am I Only Sleeping Over Because I Live in the Quad?

Tinder Fractal

Year in Review: FM Quotes That Also Make Great Tinder Bios

Our cover stories do more than shed light on pressing issues at Harvard. They can also help you scheme cuties.

Teen Mag Quiz: Do I Like You?

Teen Mag Quiz: Do I Like You?

Teen Mag Quad Header

Teen Mag Quad Header

Do I Like You or Am I Only Sleeping Over Because I Live in the Quad?

Teen Mag Quiz: Do I Like You or Am I Only Sleeping Over Because I Live in the Quad?

When I get to your dorm, do I have to feign interest in your artwork?

Pageant crown.

Eyes On The Crown

In offstage and onstage interviews, Vuong brandishes her knowledge of current events and promotes her platform: empowering homeless youth. For the talent portion of the pageant, she plays classical music—often Chopin—on the piano. For the “swim” and “evening” categories, she models the requisite attire while walking in a figure-eight shape onstage.

Radcliffe Union of Students

‘Feminist Hysteria’: A History Of Sexual Violence At Harvard

The year was 1960, it was orientation week for Lynn J. Ochberg ’64's freshman year at Radcliffe, and, she said, she had just been sexually assaulted by a senior on Harvard’s football team.
