

Katherine R.W. Hebb

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Graduate School of Education Capital Campaign Progress

Graduate School of Education Capital Campaign Progress

Graduate School of Education Capital Campaign Progress

Graduate School of Education Capital Campaign Progress

Sexual Misconduct at Harvard and Other Schools
Higher Education

Sexual Misconduct at Harvard and Other Schools

Slightly more than 29 percent of surveyed Harvard senior women—a category which includes some students in the Division of Continuing Education—reported that they had experienced nonconsensual penetration and sexual touching since coming to college. The rate was 27.2 across all 27 schools that participated in the Association of American Universities survey. When Harvard DCE students were removed, the prevalence rate of nonconsensual penetration and sexual touching rose from 29.2 percent to 31.2 percent of Harvard respondents, according to a report from former Harvard Provost Steven E. Hyman.

Minority Faculty at FAS

Minority Faculty at FAS

The Faculty of Arts and Sciences is making efforts to recruit more minority faculty members.

Harvard's Alcohol Policy

Harvard's Alcohol Policy

The College's approach to regulating the use of alcohol on campus has evolved over the last few years.

FY 2014 Gifts

FY 2014 Gifts

Harvard posted a record-breaking total of $1.16 billion in gifts in Fiscal Year 2014, according to a survey by the Council for Aid to Education.

A Small Chunk of the Campaign
Radcliffe Institute

A Small Chunk of the Campaign

Radcliffe’s goal represents a little more than 1 percent of the University’s $6.5 billion campaign.

Degrees Offered at SEAS

Degrees Offered at SEAS

SEAS offers new two-year master's degree for Computational Science and Engineering


