
Crimson staff writer

Mariam H. Jalloul

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The Refugee Crisis Meets HONY

This series is important not only because the refugee crisis has reached a desperate point in terms of its magnitude and Europe’s poor handling of the migration, but also because this is a time when people have become impervious to mass tragedies.

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400 Years a Slave

I will not equate the injustices of slavery with that of current prisons’—doing so trivializes and understates the horrors of the slavery system. It is important, however, to acknowledge the weight that slavery held in shaping the current mass incarceration.

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Lebanese. Muslim. American.

It’s exhausting to have to fight to justify my American identity.

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When Politics Trumps Policy Implementation

It is economically unwise and morally corrupt to refuse to expand Medicaid to the citizens who need it the most.

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Pop the Bubble

There is no better time to travel than during the college years—when you are your sole responsibility, when you are exploring your interests and figuring out what you want to do with the rest of your life.

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Mind Over Boobs

Just as some women feel strong and confident showing a little skin, veiled Muslim women feel strong and confident covering their skin—and there is nothing wrong with either.

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Professor Discusses Impact of Social Attitudes on Rape Culture

Recognizing how current social attitudes towards rape have come into being will help students dismantle a rape culture that places undue burden on victims, according to Tithi Bhattacharya, an associate professor at Purdue University who spoke at Dudley House Thursday evening.
