Leslie B. Arffa
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I Wish I Knew How to Rumba
I could have struggled at something while impressing no one at all. I think we all could have benefited from that.
A Different School Spirit: Harvard and the Boston Church of Christ
A consideration of what draws Harvard students to a historically controversial conservative church a commute away from Harvard Square reveals that for many a desire to explore their faith and find a supportive community can take them to a place startlingly different from the campus they must leave to get there.
We Can Do Better
I hope, though, that in addition to asking what Harvard can do better we ask ourselves the far more difficult question of what we can do better.
Hate It: Half Marathons
My hate/hate relationship with running began in High School when I realized that I was never going to be fast and that my playlists would never be good enough to make me fast. At first, I tried my best putting on a brave face while being lapped by six-year olds and paraplegics. Then I hung up my running shoes for good, and began getting my daily intake of endorphins from thinking about exercising and actually eating cupcakes. After all, running is supremely boring. The only thing more boring than running a mile is running two miles, which gets me to perhaps the most dull pursuit of all: running a half marathon.
Open Table: Cambridge's High-Powered Restaurant World
With so many top chefs jockeying for a position, Cambridge can now lay claim to being a fine dining destination. And you thought Harvard college life was competitive.
The High Society
“If you ask the right questions, you’ll find out that a lot of people are doing drugs here,” Greg continues.
What Would Oprah Do?
Oprah is heading to Harvard Yard on May 30 to impart words of wisdom to the class of 2013. In the meantime, FM looks to Oprah’s Twitter for advice to solve our day-to-day problems.
Kirkland House
Kirkland residents act like Yale students during Harvard-Yale weekend: they just can't stop telling you how great their House is and how much better they are by association. Sure, we'd like them to tone it down a bit and maybe stop making out with each other, but unlike the Yalies, Kirkland students genuinely have a lot to brag about. From the great location to the homey vibe, Kirkland looks like it's straight out of a Harvard catalogue, causing us to wonder why Mark Zuckerberg decided to leave early.
Cambridge Has a New Social Space
If you’re tired of spending night after night at a Grafton Group Restaurant or sick of wandering up and down Mt Auburn St searching for a party, look no further. The Sinclair, a new concert venue and restaurant located at 52 Church St., has opened its doors to the Square.
The Sinclair: Cambridge’s New Social Space
If you’re tired of spending night after night at a Grafton Group Restaurant or sick of wandering up and down Mt Auburn St searching for a party, look no further. The Sinclair, a new concert venue and restaurant located at 52 Church St., has opened to the Square.
Rejection Letter: Harvard Yale Stayover
Dear Applicant, I sincerely regret to inform you that we cannot, at this time, offer you admittance to Stoughton Hall 211’s futon for the night preceding the Harvard-Yale football game.
Hate It: Instagram
Depressed about your love life? Here are 10 pictures of happy couples. Being single never felt so…Sierra.
Gay and Female, Out and Alone
"I think the gay male population is much more visible than the lesbian community, and I don’t know why that is. It’s something I’ve always thought about, but I’m just not sure...I don’t think it’s something Harvard talks about a lot."