
Crimson staff writer

Brian A. Feldman

Latest Content


"Pain & Gain" Defines an Aesthetic

“Pain & Gain” is, in the end, a charming paradox. It is the least Michael-Bay film Bay has ever made, containing nearly none of the reckless destruction for which he is known. Yet somehow, it is also the most Michael-Bay a film can get, distilling all of his cinematic techniques down to their essence and deconstructing the aspects that fall into the Bay aesthetic.


“G.I. Joe” A No-Go

"G.I. Joe: Retaliation" is the sequel to the 2009 film "G.I. Joe: Rise of Cobra" and picks up where it left off. The film stars Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson and includes the star of the previous film, Channing Tatum. "Retaliation" struggles because it never decides whether it is a comedy or a serious action movie.


"Olympus" Unforgivably Forgettable

Without a doubt, "Olympus Has Fallen" is the most forgettable film in quite some time. It has come and it will go and it will have changed nothing. It is not bad art, it simply fails to fulfill the minimum requirements of a piece of art. It is inconsequential, and it is not worth a second thought.


"Bizarre Ride" Returns in Blaze of Irreverent Glory

Classic rap album "Bizarre Ride II the Pharcyde" performed in full as part of a 20 year anniversary tour at The Middle East.

The Pumpkin Spice Latte Challenge
Food and Drink

The Pumpkin Spice Latte Challenge

The Pumpkin Spice Latte Challenge
Food and Drink

Pumpkin Spice Latte Challenge

FM wanted to know: which of the five Starbucks in Harvard Square makes the best Pumpkin Spice Latte?


‘Cloud Atlas’ Maps Out What It Can

That intangible feeling watching a great film is there in "Cloud Atlas," even if that great film is unfortunately absent.


‘Argo’ Marries Hollywood and Iranian Politics

Ben Affleck manages to display his directorial skill, deftly combining scenarios of Hollywood excess and pessimistic espionage operations.


‘Looper’ Transcends Time Travel Genre

With clever film references galore, standout acting by Joseph Gordon Levitt and Pierce Gagnon, and the occasional laugh, “Looper” builds upon previous time travel films, rather than shallowly aping them.

On Campus

Das Racist Delivers Irreverent Sarcasm

This article about Das Racist almost never happened.


‘Bully’ Targets Problem, but not Solution

“Bully” presents how awful bullying is on its victims and those around the victim. But by starting a conversation and then placing the onus on the viewer to do something, the film ultimately feels like a shirking of responsibility.

In The Meantime

Skyrim: A New Type Of Game

There is no game quite like Skyrim.


Some Videos And Also The 'Yell At The Crimson' Housing Day Open Thread

Wooohhhoooo! Housing Day! Wooohhhoooo!!! May all your housing dreams come true!!! Between the Housing Day videos that everyone made and this list of videos, you guys are getting approximately twice as many videos as you normally would. Let's watch some videos! And then comment! Did you agree with the housing rankings? I dunno. Maybe you didn't! Feel free to voice your dissent.


Please Watch These Internet Videos or Come and Discuss 'Downton Abbey'

Whoa. I can't believe it's been a whole week since the last time I shared some videos with you. It's been a pretty busy week.

Skating Challenge

Skating Challenge

Magazine writers Brian A. Feldman and Mark R. Jahnke compete to see who can do the best spins, twists, and jumps in Harvard's skating rink.
