Crimson staff writer
Athena Y. Jiang
Latest Content
Around the World with Faust
When University President Drew G. Faust landed in China in March 2008, the self-professed connoisseur of ethnic foods had already made up her mind to sample the explosion of exotic flavors that characterizes local Chinese cuisine.
Harvard Law School To Reduce Public Service Funding
The latest round of financial readjustments hit Harvard Law School yesterday with a mix of cuts and expansions to public interest programs.
Public Service Tuition Waiver Program May End at Harvard Law
Harvard Law School announced Monday that it is likely to scale back a program launched in 2008 that waives third-year tuition for students planning to pursue careers in public service, as University-wide budget cuts force schools to re-examine financial aid allocations.
Harvard To Seek Flexible Funding
Harvard may reorient its long-term fundraising strategy to focus more attention on unrestricted funds rather than earmarked gifts, University President ...
New Law To Help University Finances
University officials may increase endowment spending by as much as $50 million this year in light of a Massachusetts state ...
Harvard beats Yale—The (Quidditch) Game
<p>Quidditch may not be the same without flying broomsticks, but there's still no lack of competition for the newly formed Harvard Quidditch team.</p><p>For the first time ever, the Quidditch team undertook a grueling 4 hour journey to compete in the Intercollegiate Quidditch World Cup at Middlebury College, in a quest for glory, thrills, and a chance to emerge victorious in yet another contest against that college in New Haven. Twelve valiant competitors, an assorted crew including a member of the varsity track team and all diehard Harry Potter fans, boarded a bus in the predawn hours yesterday morning to face off against some of the most experienced college Quidditch teams across the country, running across grassy fields with brooms between their legs.</p><p>But when the Harvard team arrived, beating Yale was a simple matter of showing up—which the Yale team didn't manage to do, thereby forfeiting the match.</p><p>"Yale is clearly scared of us," said Quidditch co-captain Stacy L. Rush, a visiting student from Toronto.</p><p>Read more about the blood, guts, and glory of the Intercollegiate Quidditch World Cup after the jump.</p><p>
H-Bomb Wants You (Clothed, This Time)
<p>Heads up, aspiring t-shirt designers—if you've ever thought the official Harvard/Yale shirts have trended a little stale or more than a little staid, here's a chance to spice things up. Harvard sex magazine HBOMB will hold its first official Harvard/Yale t-shirt contest this year, calling for "sexy, classy, smutty and—most of all—witty t-shirt designs" that "reflect HBOMB's vision."</p><p>As an addendum, the graphic should, in fact, also reference Harvard and/or Yale, the instructions note.</p><p>Not much word on the contest's criteria, but if the honor of having your design emblazoned on shirts that some students will cherish for years isn't enough, the other incentives should make it worth your while. The creator of the best design will receive not only a free t-shirt, but also a "patented" gift basket "guaranteed to numb your body with pleasure, or at least have some cool goodies in it." Flyby isn't sure what these super extra awesome awards might be (besides that it probably won't be a basket of fruit and cheese), but we hear that mystery just ups the thrill factor.</p><p>Entries should be sent to Eva Gillis-Buck ( by 3pm on Nov. 1. When the hundred variations of Harvard/Yale shirts start popping up all over campus, Flyby will be keeping an eye out for "the sexy ones."</p>
Harvard beats Yale—The (Quidditch) Game
Quidditch may not be the same without flying broomsticks , but there's still no lack of competition for the newly
H-Bomb Wants You (Clothed, This Time)
Heads up, aspiring t-shirt designers—if you've ever thought the official Harvard/Yale shirts have trended a little stale or more than
Faust Renews Call for Service
Marking the start of the University’s Public Service Week on Monday, University President Drew G. Faust called upon the Harvard community to renew its commitment to service, as administrators seek to strengthen connections to career opportunities in the federal government.
Faculty Hiring Stable Across Most Schools
After a period of strategic growth, two of Harvard’s smallest graduate schools are not planning to conduct faculty searches this ...
Oktoberfest Lite
Oh, the sights and smells of autumn. The changing leaves. The cool crisp air. In Munich, Germany, these would be
Harvard, Green Like Usual
Harvard received an A- on the annual College Sustainability Report Card for the fourth year running, outpacing its Ivy League
University CIO Resigns from Post
Harvard’s Chief Information Officer Daniel D. Moriarty announced Monday his intentions to step down at the end of this month ...