
College Finance

Club Freeze Graphic

Harvard DSO Unveils New Club Registration Process After Year-Long Freeze

The Dean of Students Office announced Monday it will end its year-long pause on considering applications from prospective student organizations, paving the way for new clubs to request official recognition from the College through a revamped application process.

Queen's Head Pub

Cambridge Queen’s Head Pub Permanently Closed by Harvard College

The Cambridge Queen’s Head Pub, a Harvard-run undergraduate pub, will permanently close at the end of the 2023-24 academic year, the College announced Tuesday.

Dean Dunne Interview Portrait

Dean of Students Dunne Says No Changes to Student Org Management After HUFPI, IRC Dramas

Harvard College Dean of Students Thomas Dunne said “a handful of incidents” should not change how the College manages student organizations in a Wednesday interview with The Crimson.

Harvard Not Fun Cover Graphic

What’s the Move? Navigating Harvard’s Lackluster Social Scene

In interviews with The Crimson, student group leaders, two top College administrators, and dozens of undergraduates tackled a difficult question: where is Harvard’s sense of fun?

University Hall

Harvard HoCos Face Budget Cut as Undergrads Opt Out of Annual $200 Student Activities Fee

Harvard College’s House Committees are searching for new ways to fundraise following a 5 percent decrease in annual funding from the Dean of Students Office, according to an October document obtained by The Crimson.

Harvard Stadium
College Finance

Harvard’s Men’s Teams Continue to See Higher Coaching Salaries and Budgets Than Women’s Teams

Harvard paid the head coaches of its men’s varsity teams roughly $30,000 more on average than their counterparts leading women’s teams last year, according to a yearly report filed by the Athletics Department.

2023 Commencement Procession

Harvard College Suspends ‘Senior Gift’ Campaign Amid Falling Buy-in from Students

Beginning this year, graduating seniors will not be asked to contribute to the Senior Gift fund, marking the end of a decades-long philanthropic campus tradition amid low student participation.

SOCH Freeze Graphic

Harvard Pauses Recognition of New Student Orgs, Leaving Unrecognized Clubs Without Resources

The Harvard College Dean of Students Office will not recognize newly formed student organizations for the 2023-24 academic year, according to a Sept. 13 statement from Assistant Dean of Student Engagement and Leadership Andrew Donahue.

Student Organization Center at Hilles (SOCH) Courtyard

Harvard Dean of Students Office Weighing Proposal to Temporarily Freeze Creation of New Clubs

Harvard College’s Dean of Students Office has proposed a temporary pause on the creation of new student organizations, citing limited resources to accommodate the needs of existing clubs.

Adams Renovations

Harvard House Renewal Project Delayed and Over Budget After Pandemic Setbacks

As the renovation of Adams House, one of Harvard’s undergraduate residential houses, enters its third phase this June, the University anticipates an unprecedented 12 to 14 percent rise in costs — nearly 10 percentage points higher than the traditional 4 percent benchmark.

Smith Center Harvard Commons
Student Groups

Harvard Undergraduate Association Approves $2,700 for Pro-Affirmative Action Protest at General Meeting

Convening for its weekly general meeting Sunday, the Harvard Undergraduate Association voted to allocate $2,700 toward the Harvard Affirmative Action Coalition to support its demonstrations at the Supreme Court later this month.

University Hall

Harvard Undergraduate Association Receives $550k from Dean of Students Office

The Dean of Students Office allocated $550,000 to the Harvard Undergraduate Association Monday — a 10 percent increase from the usual yearly budget of its predecessor, the Harvard Undergraduate Council.

Harvard College Office of Admissions and Financial Aid
College Administration

As Tuition Rises 3%, Harvard College Raises Non-Contribution Threshold to Expand Financial Aid

Beginning with the Class of 2026, families with annual incomes under $75,000 will pay nothing to attend Harvard College — marking a $10,000 increase from the previous threshold — the College announced Thursday evening.

UC Meetings

Harvard UC Finance Audit Finds No Irregularities, Vindicates Accused Council Members

An audit of the Undergraduate Council’s finances has “yet to find evidence of any financial irregularities,” according to the report released Thursday in an email from Undergraduate Council President Michael Y. Cheng ’22 and Vice President Emmett E. de Kanter ’24.

Harvard Management Company
College Finance

Endowment Scraps Apple, Slashes Facebook Holdings in Fourth Quarter

HMC’s acquisitions and liquidations were reported in its latest filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission, which requires investment managers who oversee more than $100 million in assets to disclose their public securities portfolio each quarter.
