Crimson staff writer
Christian B. Flow
Latest Content
Wedding: Michael P. Silvestri ’10 and Liza Pope
It was an afternoon and evening that Liza Pope would later remember as a “beautiful romantic fairytale.”
Sped Up to a Crawl?
Get the skinny in today's Crimson about how Laura E. D’Asaro ’13 crawled the fastest mile ever to be crawled. Beginning on a track in high school, with bubble wrap and duct tape protecting her limbs, D'Asaro began her climb to glory-on-all-fours. Hit the jump for a video and an inside look at how she made it happen.
SPOTTED: Smores and Stuff For Homecoming
<p>Right, right right. It's hard to see what's going on in this picture. FlyBy only had the old camera phone handy. Anyway, a word of explanation: Harvard Alumni Association apparently has "Love Story" going in Tercentenary in honor of the University's brand new Homecoming event. And S'mores. Nothing like a bad movie and some snacks to swell the pride and usher in the weekend. Did we mention to the alumni that the University could use some donations? Enjoy the game tomorrow.</p>
SPOTTED: Smores and Stuff For Homecoming
Right, right right. It's hard to see what's going on in this picture. FlyBy only had the old camera phone
CRIMSON CAREERS: The Blackstone Group — 'Nowhere To Hide'
It's September, and the campus is crawling with recruiters looking to lock down the next generation of financial movers and
Free Dr. Pepper Wednesday
You may have noticed people from the venerable soft drink brand Dr. Pepper out in the Square this weekend giving
Kirkland Shooting Victim Linked to Harvard Campus Drug Trade
Two text messages and an interview with a student obtained by The Crimson today suggest that Justin Cosby, the 21-year
More Police Business
After a frightening shooting in Kirkland, FlyBy thought the police blotter might be taking it easy for the rest of
Building the Public Domain, Part II
( Part I of this story appeared in the print edition of Fifteen Minutes magazine May 8, 2009.) does one
Building the Public Domain, Part I
Part II can be found here . : make a CD : make a mix : love the rebel in
The Truth About the MIT "Swine Flu"
A widely-circulated e-mail from an MIT engineering student suggesting that one of her peers had contracted swine flu contained false
Ratatat, We Hardly Knew Ye
Sure, FlyBy admits it: Before March rolled around, "Ratatat" was an onomatopoetic way of suggesting that somebody was at the
Smith Struggles With Financial Crisis, Computers
Before leading a discussion on the Faculty’s financial situation at a meeting in November, Faculty of Arts and Sciences Dean
Smith Asks for Budget Cuts
Anticipating an economic shortfall of at least $100 million for the Faculty of Arts and Sciences next year, FAS Dean
FAS Freezes All Faculty Salaries, Cuts Searches
A freeze on salary raises for all faculty and non-union staff members as well as a hold on the bulk