Crimson staff writer
Esther I. Yi
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Daughter of a Preacher Man
I am what you would call a “PK,” short for “Pastor’s Kid.” If you visit Korean grocery stores throughout northern New Jersey, you will find CDs of my dad’s sermons available for your listening pleasure.
Harvard Through the Eyes of a High Schooler
Harvard is never quite the same once you actually become a student here.
Senior Fellow Leaves Board
Harvard Corporation Senior Fellow James R. Houghton ’58, who played a key role in the resignation of former University President Lawrence H. Summers and presided over the appointment of his successor, Drew G. Faust, will leave his post on the University’s top governing board at the end of the current academic year.
Houghton To Leave Harvard Corporation
Harvard Corporation Senior Fellow James R. Houghton ’58, who played a key role in the 2006 resignation of University President Lawrence H. Summers, will step down in May.
Mankiw Professes Predilection for Lady Gaga
If there's anyone who would be able to expound on the intricate economy of Lady Gaga's music career (and the ramifications of her outrageous fashion choices on her business), it seems like we'll all have to turn to legendary Ec10 Caesar N. Gregory Mankiw.
Remix It Up
Remember when a bunch of affected artsy hipsters remixed Ratatat and Sara Bareilles to celebrate that rowdy occasion known as