State Politics
Romney Makes Boston Speech
Former Massachusetts Governor Mitt Romney was met by a cheering crowd of supporters in his home state on Tuesday night as he celebrated victories in a host of Super Tuesday primaries.
Harvard Profs Tapped To Join Mass. Board of Higher Ed.
Two Harvard professors will serve on the Massachusetts Board of Higher Education, Massachusetts Governor Deval L. Patrick ’78 announced on Monday.
College Junior Vies for State GOP Seat
He’s a junior. He’s a classics concentrator. Now he might be a political representative.
New Poll Shows Warren Ahead
Harvard Law School professor Elizabeth Warren and U.S. Senator Scott Brown are deadlocked in the Massachusetts race for U.S. Senate, according to a WBUR poll released Tuesday.
Joseph Kennedy Enters Congressional Race
After more than a month of speculation, Joseph P. Kennedy III is set to formally declare his candidacy for Congress Thursday morning.
IOP Rates Massachusetts Civic Engagement
Massachusetts scored above the national average in overall civic engagement but experienced drops in voter turnout and other political activity, according to an Institute of Politics report released Wednesday.
Kennedy Poised To Run for Congress
After launching an exploratory website on Monday, Harvard Law School alumnus Joseph P. Kennedy III is one step closer to declaring his candidacy for the Massachusetts District Four Congressional Seat, according to Kennedy aides and local politicos.
Harvard Law School professor and U.S. Senate candidate Elizabeth Warren visits with volunteers at her campaign headquarters in Somerville, Mass. Monday.
Warren and Brown Super PACs Face Off
After a two-week long tug of war, Harvard Law School professor Elizabeth Warren and U.S. Senator Scott Brown failed to reach an agreement to ban third-party advertising in the race for U.S. Senate in a meeting Friday.
Political Ads Highlight Warren's Ambivalent Relationship with Occupy
On Nov. 9, Crossroads Grassroots Political Strategies, a political action committee founded by strategist Karl Rove, launched its first attack ad against Harvard Law School Professor Elizabeth Warren, seeking to tie the senatorial candidate to the national Occupy movement.
BRIEF: City of Cambridge Divided Into Two Voting Districts
Last week, Massachusetts Governor Deval L. Patrick ’78, a Democrat signed a state-wide redistricting bill that will divide the city of Cambridge into two voting districts.
Crimson reporters went door-to-door interviewing residents of south Boston about their thoughts on Elizabeth Warren.
Reporters went to Woody's LST Tavern in south Boston to interview residents about their thoughts on Elizabeth Warren.
Crimson reporters went door-to-door interviewing residents of south Boston about their thoughts on Elizabeth Warren.
Some of the many brown stones and apartments that line the streets of south Boston.