OEB Students Take Sponsored Spring Break Trips
This year, three classes from the Organismic and Evolutionary Biology Department offered all-expenses-paid spring break trips for its students.
Springtime Menu
Spring has finally sprung, and Harvard University Hospitality and Dining Services reflects this change by featuring new entrees as part of the spring seasonal menu. Tonight HUHDS serves chop chop salad.
HUDS Starts New Spring Menu
Along with rising temperatures and the sudden appearance of flip-flops and shorts, spring brings new menu items to the dining halls drawn from student suggestions and seasonal product offerings.
Democracy in the Middle East
IOP Visiting Fellow Wael Nawara discusses the challenges facing democracy in the Middle East at Winthrop House on Thursday.
Brightly Colored Chairs Return to the Yard
Brightly colored chairs have returned to Harvard Yard. For Harvard students, the return of the chairs represents the end of winter and the beginning of spring. Soon, Harvard Yard will be used to read, study, or just enjoy the nice weather.