Health Reform in an Era of Pandemics
Dean of Harvard School of Public Health Dr. Julio Frenk gives an address at the JFK Jr. Forum last night entitled “Health Reform in an Era of Pandemics: Implications for Health Security."
HSPH Dean Calls For Health Reform
Drawing attention to the idea of health security during an era of pandemics, Dean of the Harvard School of Public Health Julio Frenk yesterday called for “reform in the midst of a storm.”
Former Advisers Talk Experiences, Politics
Two former high-level presidential advisers took the stage at the John F. Kennedy forum yesterday, reflecting on lessons learned while working in the White House and looking to the present day to offer guidance for President Barack Obama’s administration.
Gingrich Touts ‘Tripartisanship’
The Honorable Newt Gingrich, former Speaker of the House, outlined a five-step plan to consolidate the United States’ prominent position in a changing geopolitical landscape to a packed Institute of Politics forum last night at an event entitled “A Tripartisan Majority for Real Change.”
Former Chairman of DNC adresses IOP
Institute of Politics Visiting Fellow; Terry McAuliffe, Chairman of the Democratic National Comittee (2001-2005) and National Chairman of the Hilary Clinton for President Campaign, adresses students and faculty in the John F. Kennedy Jr. Forum in his presentation entitled "The Future of the Democratic Party 2010 and Beyond.
Amid Student Protests, Uribe Details Plans for Stable and United Columbia
Colombian President Alvaro Uribe spoke to a packed audience at the Institute of Politics forum Friday evening, detailing his plans ...
Unnamed photo
Lodi G. Gyari, special envoy of the Dalai Lama, speaks to audience members at the Harvard Kennedy School yesterday about how to reach a peaceful solution between Tibet and China.