Some Social Sciences Departments Begin Faculty Searches
Although many departments have struggled with the size of their faculty in the years following the financial crisis, faculty searches in a few departments across the social sciences are indicators of early signs of recovery.
FAS Increases Faculty Searches
Faculty searches in a number of Social Sciences departments are increasing, allowing the departments to hire junior faculty and fill positions vacated by retiring faculty members.
Peabody Director Talks Trash
Since 1974, when Richard H. Meadow ’68 began excavating at the archaeological site of Harappa in Pakistan, trash has been essential to his work.
Cultural anthropologist Elizabeth Greenspan, brought to Harvard College by Harvard Writers at Work, discusses the role of language and speech in the aftermath of 9/11.
Mayan Writing Lecture
Brown University Professor Stephen Houston discusses the animism and dynamism of Mayan writing in his lecture: "The Living Sign: Maya Hieroglyphs and Vitalized Writing." The lecture brought students and professionals to the Geological Museum Lecture Hall to examine ancient pictoral writing and its relevance in today's world.
Committee on African Studies Holds Symposium
Highlighting an interdisciplinary approach to studying Africa, the Committee on African Studies last Friday held “Africa in Motion,” a day-long symposium that featured Harvard faculty, journalists, and current and former fellows.
Creatures of Flame
Richard Wrangham, Ruth Moore Professor of Biological Anthropology and Master of Currier House, gives a talk entitled Creatures of the Flame: How Fire Makes Humans Different From Other Animals at Phillips Brooks House on Sunday. He recently published a book on the subject, Catching Fire: How Cooking Made Us Human.
Anthropology Professor's Book Inspires Oscar-Nominated Film
Harvard Associate Professor of Anthropology Kimberly Theidon had no idea that her 2004 book of essays, “Entre Prójimos,” inspired the Oscar-nominated documentary “The Milk of Sorrow” until the film started to win awards last year.
Discovery Center
A Peabody Museum curator explains the history and purpose behind several ancient tools to a young visitor.
Shopping Week, Day Four: Me Want Food!
Sometimes shopping six courses a day can lead to missed meals and hunger pangs during your umpteenth syllabus perusal of the day. In fact, some of you are probably hungry right now. Well, we’ve got just the solution for you! Get your daily serving via one of these food-related courses.
Shopping Week, Day Three: Easy Fourths
Having trouble picking a class to fill up that final slot? This third installment of our shopping week feature showcases interesting classes that aren't that hard and don't require a lot of work.
Original Publication Date: December 14, 2009 The Harvard Museum of Natural History, which hosts a myriad of exhibits including the Hall of Mammals, received a sizeable donation.
More Than Just a Hole in the Ground
As the cold began to bite down hard earlier this month, the students of Anthropology 1130: "Archaeology of Harvard Yard" ...