
Panelists Propose 2016 Presidential Election Candidates

Panelists also singled out New Jersey Governor Chris Christie as a potentially strong Republican presidential candidate.

Although Jeb Bush may be one of the most talented candidates, panelists said his family name could be a huge political liability.

“Maybe he could change his name to something more appealing, like Kardashian,” said Begala.

Also noted among potential Republican hopefuls was Kentucky Senator Rand Paul.

Paul, Finney said, “has been changing his behavior,” an indicator that he “wants it.” The Senator once known for fringe issues has recently been focusing on more mainstream projects like promoting farming. Paul, Begala said, could also fill an important void for anti-war Republican voters.


Marco Rubio, 2012 candidates like Rick Santorum and Rick Perry, and several mid-western governors were also mentioned as potential contenders.


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