Norman Zhu

Dorm/House: Lionel/Pforzheimer

Dorm/House: Lionel/Pforzheimer

Concentration: Psychology

Hometown: Boston, Mass.

Ideal Date: Just going somewhere and enjoying each other’s company, laughing, talking, or eating.

What do you look for in a girl/guy: A girl that has a good sense of humor, a bit of feistiness, and is witty. Also, someone who I can really open up to and connect with.

Where to find you on a Saturday night: In my room, slamming my homework down on the desk hard, and then doing it, all night long.

Your best pick-up line: *mumble* Saywhatifyouwanttogohomewithme

Best or worst lie you’ve ever told: Those pants make you look great!

Something you’ve always wanted to tell someone: Those pants make you look ginormous!

Favorite childhood activity: Convincing the other kids if they do not trade me Pokémon cards for a vaccine, they will die of cooties.

Sexiest physical trait: My jaw

Best part about Harvard: I’ve met some of the friendliest and coolest people here at Harvard.

Worst part about Harvard: The inevitable possibility that the John Harvard statue will wake up from his slumber and pee on everyone who has wronged him.

Describe yourself in three words: William Bradley Pitt

In 15 minutes you are: Capable of finishing what Jack Bauer takes 24 hours to do.

In 15 years you are: A DILF