
Harvard 2100

'I See Water': Harvard and the Psychic Connection

Fineberg has similar notions of the nature of future instruction.

"The great lecturer may or may not be the same professor who is going to be as famous as a media communicator," he says. "There will be more and more learning taking place even when the professor is not in the room."

Instead of using paper, Holland says students will complete all of their work on special clipboard computers.


"It will be the flattest computer, like a clipboard," Holland says. "A lot of paperwork will be taken away, [making it] easier for students and the environment."

The reduced busy-work caused by paper will free up the time of students who will be, by then, more involved in the running of the University, he says.

Working with the University will mean interaction with its female leaders.

"There will be more women on the board, I'm seeing more women running it," Holland forecasts.

With the role of big business on campus, work-study programs will expand beyond Loker and Dorm Crew with students working as a way of paying their tuition debt.

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